Chapter 37 - Abby

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"Liv, seriously! We were just in New York, why do you have to go back again?!" I say to Olivia as she's packing all her stuff up again to leave for school.

"Look, I don't want to leave as much as you but if I want to succeed in this program I can't do it from here. They all have been working at an advantage that I don't have and that's working together every day. I see them once every two weeks and it shows in my work. I didn't join this program to be average, I joined so I can become extraordinary," she says back to me firmly.

"I never see you, the only reason I see you is because you sleep next to me at night and I wake up and you're there AND because all of our scenes are together. The dogs don't get to see you either," I bring up the dogs because I know it's her weakness. It's low to use them against her but I can't help it.

"Don't. Don't bring them into this, Abby. That's not fair," her eyes start to well up.

"I'm sorry, I just I want a girlfriend that doesn't work ALL THE TIME," I regret it as soon as it leaves my lips.

"That's funny because to the rest of the world, you still don't have a girlfriend..." she zips up her carry-on and walks out of the bedroom...the dogs following her leaving me alone sitting on the bed.

"AARRRRGHHHH OLIVIAHHH, WAIT," I groan and literally crawl out of bed and into the living room. I mean it when I say crawl, on my hands and knees all the way to Liv who is sitting on the edge of the coffee table with a small smile on her face.

"I didn't mean it," Liv says to me as I place my hands on her knees and sit up on mine.

"Me neither. This is just all new to me -- being with someone that does as much as you do. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to be...Olivia Riviera's girlfriend," I place my head on top of my hands on her knees.

"Oh munch. My little munchkin...I'm sorry I'm not easy to be with. Look at me," she says as she lifts my head so she can see my eyes. "I want you to know..." she takes a deep breath.

"I want you to know that if you ask me...I'll drop all of this to be yours and only yours forever. I'd drop it all, all you have to do is say the word. Without regret. Without hesitation," she says and her shoulders fall and her loving eyes look into mine and I know she's telling the truth. I just know it.

As I'm about to say that I would never ever be selfish enough to make her give up her career for me Angie knocks on our door.

"Cars here, guys. You gotta go, Liv," she says with

just her head through the door and her eyes closed.

"Ugh! Angie, it's fine! You can open your eyes!" my girl stands us both up and links both our hands together pushing and pulling me back and forth.

"I gotta go, think about what I said. I love you, Abigail," she smiles and kisses me firmly.

"I love you too," I kiss her back sliding my tongue across her lips.

"Endlessly," I say as she slides her tongue into my mouth and she swirls it around my mouth I let her and I suck lightly before she pulls away and kisses me wetly on the forehead.

"I'll see you in a couple days, sweetheart," and she grabs her suitcase and rolls it out the door.

"I'll see you in a couple days, sweetheart," and she grabs her suitcase and rolls it out the door

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