Chapter 7 - Abby

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A/N: WOWOWOWOW! I just realized I never published this chapter! It was saved as a draft! Wow. How embarrassing. Also that sucks bc things went from chapter 6 to 8...not that there wasn't you couldn't deduce? Idk. My bad, fam.

To: Abby Ricci
From: Eli Fletcher
Subject: Final Season of TSMGO???

Hey babe, can't believe you're on tour with THEE Olivia Riviera haha! Thoroughly enjoying both your snapchats and all that. I know you guys are killing it.

So here's the thing. The other writers and producers and myself want to know where you stand on the next season of the show. I know we talked about the future of the show before you left but we need to make it final soon. I was proposing not a full season but 8-13 episodes, just to wrap up every one's storylines. How does that sound?

I know after Monty passed away it's been hard to figure out the direction of the show. I need you to know that you have our full support on whatever decision you make, don't worry about what the rest of the cast and crew want or what the fans've carried this show from day one -- there wouldn't be a show without you. You have every right to want to end this show and this chapter of your life and move on, as well as the right to hold on to it longer.

Love you. Tell Olivia I miss her and am so proud of her!


"Shit...what do I do?"


I rolled over and turned to the window of my hotel, waited for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight and instantly smiled because we're in Milan! God, I love Italy! I'm so excited to be here! I sat up, reached over Liv who was lying flat on her stomach and comfortably sleeping next to me and grabbed my phone...lugh the email" I thought to myself.

Her hair is covering her face and there's a light snoring coming from her, she looks so small; Liv isn't teeny tiny, she's a couple inches taller than me but way more fit..I'd kill for her perfectly toned body especially since she has the best curves! Ugh! She looks small when she's asleep and it's easy to forget she's barely twenty-three years old and has already accomplished so fucking much! She has a big presence...she instantly fills up a room. I adore everything about her.

I move her soft brown hair out of her face. I need to reply to Eli about the show. We're not going to make it for a fall premiere date, obviously but I still need to figure out what I want. I don't have anything else lined up acting-wise, I should talk to Liv about this, maybe she can help.

I rubbed Olivia's shoulder, her olive skin was so smooth. She's gotten so tan this tour from all the beaches and time we've spent under the sun. "...Liv...Olivia..." I tried to wake her.

Nothing but snores...this girl, I chuckled to myself "I don't snore, my ass."

I got up and opened the door to our hotel room, outside waiting was a breakfast cart from room service. I rolled in the food and started the coffee. I made Olivia's go-to blend...two sugars, three creams. I walked the hot cup of coffee over to Liv and slowly blew the fresh brew in her direction. It wasn't long before the filipina's little nose scrunched up and a groan escaped her lips.

"Mmmm what time is it??" she groaned.

"8:47...are you up? I need to talk to you..." I asked slowly, like I said before, Liv isn't human when she's tired or hungry and right now she's a bit of both.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Liv tried to tame her hair so she didn't look like a complete monster. She took a minute to situate herself under the covers but still sitting upright. She took a deep breath and eyed the coffee in my hand. She stretched out her right hand gesturing for the coffee I was still blowing in her direction. I pulled back and cocked an eyebrow...

"...please can I have the coffee, Abigail?" she said sarcastically. My stomach tightened whenever she called me Abigail, ugh it was such a turn on. I bit my lower lip and handed her the coffee.

"Since you said please."

She breathed in the brew and said "something about an italian warms me right up, inside and out..."

I blushed so hard.

"So what's wrong, munch? You ready to talk?"

"What do you mean am I ready?"

"I noticed something's been bothering you for at least two days, I didn't wanna pry so I gave you some time and space, figured you'd say something when you're good and ready. I'm the same way."

"Ugh, I hate how well you know me. But also...that's really sexy" I laughed really loud, then was embarrassed wasn't THAT funny. What's wrong with you, Abby?

"Anyways...Eli Fletcher emailed me...he's basically left the fate of the show in my hands. He wants me to decide if I want to keep the show going, how long I want it to go, how many episodes...blah blah blah. He said I have everyone's 'full support' and I have every right to want to close this chapter of my life. The sooner I reply to him, the better...what should I do?"

"Well he's right..." she took a big gulp of coffee.

"...what do YOU want to do? Turn off all the other voices and all the other people...picture Ryan Gosling asking Rachel McAdams what she wants in 'The Notebook' but I'm Ryan Gosling and you're Rachel McAdams..."

God, she's so cute with her pop culture references!

"I want to move on. I don't think I'll be able to fully heal and move on from Monty if I keep the show going, everything about the show reminds me of him and it hurts more than I'm willing to admit."

She nodded and got out of bed and walked to the window where the sun shown on her and she literally looked like she was glowing. She sat in the chair by the window, she still had pillow marks on her right cheek.

"But then I'd be the bitch that ends the show..what about everyone else? My decision doesn't just affect my employment but other people's as well."

"I know but you can't think of it that way. I'm pretty sure everyone feels about the same as you...that things haven't been the same on the show since Monty died. Throw in your mental health and it's a done deal in my opinion."

I really considered what Liv was saying and it's nice hearing from someone outside of the show.

"Business wise, best decision is to end it and move on. You can work on another show, a movie...other forms of media are always a possibility...or you know...go back to broadway," she cocked her brow and chuckled.

"So that's settled, eight episodes and we end the show and I move on with my life."

Olivia finished the rest of her coffee and placed the empty cup back onto the breakfast cart. She walked towards me, kissed me on the head, and started taking her clothes off walking towards the bathroom, as she's walking away from me she sings:

"Now here you go again, you say
You want your freedom
Well who am I to keep you down
It's only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost, and what you had, and what you lost..."

Insufferably adorable, I roll my eyes and sing along with her. I love how our voices blend together...

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