Chapter 12 - Olivia

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A/N: This is a long chapter, but totally worth it!

Abby's parents are here for the two Madrid shows, perfect timing for the aftermath of that huge blow up we/she had. Ugh. Everything she said I deserved. She was livid, I've never seen her that mad before. I don't know if I deserved the silverware she threw at me though. Can't believe she was throwing stuff, what the hell was that about? I don't think all that anger she had was from just the one night with Jax, it felt like stuff she repressed from the "London thing." But how should I know, we haven't spoken since. I'm giving her space and I'm giving myself space...what she said hurt but had to be the truth because that's what Abby's always done — she's always told me the truth, painfully so.

I missed her — having her close to me. Just being with her. It's been a couple of days and I literally haven't slept since the night with Jax. Ugh Jax. After I talked to him about that night being strictly sex and no feelings he literally told every crew member that has ears how he "pounded the fuck out of me" that night in Milan. So, I did what I had to do to protect myself — I called my lawyers, drew up an even tighter NDA and told him his services were no longer needed. Abby's band would just have to do with my bassist for the remainder of the tour. Another point for Abby being right...

I'm so tired. All the time. I've had to drink so much coffee just to barely keep up with everything I need to do. On top of all the press I've had, I told my manager to send over scripts for movies and tv shows so I can set something up for when I get back to LA. Maybe it's because of all this time I have on my hands or from the lack of sleep but I'm 90% sure I'm going back to school...I love orchestras and composing time to learn more about it, I guess. Keeping busy.


"Did you talk to her today?" Angie asked concerned.

"No. Even if I wanted to she hasn't given me the chance. She won't stay in the room if I'm in it.."

"You guys need to work this shit out because it's creating a 'hostile work environment' for me," Lee chimed in.

"Alright drama queen..."

"Oh I'm the drama queen, you two are the ones avoiding each other instead of being the fucking adults that you are. Olivia, if this were a professional work situation you would have handled it completely different and you know it."

"But Lee, it's not. How would you have handled it if it were Jonathan," Angie said defending me.

"I just need a minute to figure out what I want to do next, you guys."

"So, what are you doing next besides talking? Hmm?" Lee said.

"I think I love her," I groaned.

The two applauded, "it's about fucking time!"


I stood outside Abby's dressing room. We have an hour until she's on. I strategically decided to talk to her now because 1) we have a time limit 2) neither of us can runaway. Bad part, the outcome of the conversation will definitely set the mood and the tone of both of our performances tonight. I knocked gently at first, probably too gently because there was no answer even though I could hear Abby's muffled vocal warm ups. I hesitated to knock again. But forced myself to. This time I knocked harder.

"Come in!" She said.

I opened the door slowly and there she was standing in the middle of the room in MY grey sweats and one of my pieces of merch. I couldn't help but giggle at her choice of apparel.

Her smile quickly left her face and I could see how tense she got as soon as she saw it was me.

"Do you think we could talk?" I asked cautiously.

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