Chapter 16 - Olivia

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A/N: Happy Friday! I had a great day so I thought I'd publish three chapters today instead of the usual two a day :) Like I said in my A/N, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just a vote? I want to know if any of this is any good or of any interest. It makes me soo happy and motivated when I see that the number of reads I'm getting grows each day! I literally wrote four chapters in one sitting yesterday from excitement! So please, leave me some feedback! Also, how are you guys liking the song I pair with each chapter? Yay or nay?

I'm lying on the beach on a private island near Mykonos. The sun is beating down on me and for the first time in six months, I'm utterly and completely relaxed and happy. Like really happy! Not just because I'm on a beach. My career is doing well and will only get better when I'm back in LA. My personal life isn't shit anymore because I have something...someone filling my heart with butterflies and pleasure. What is my life? How did I go from living in Burbank, CA in a two bedroom apartment with my mom, dad, brother, and grandma to a private island in Greece with my best friends and a girl I've had feelings for even before I could remember. I never even dreamed this could be my life. I still don't feel like I deserve it.

Abby. All my thoughts always end up back to Abby and her big beautiful smile and then I end up on her lips and that spot behind her ear that makes her instantly unravel, then I end up at her boobs, her left one is my favorite so one hand is always on that one and the other is on her perfect ass and her...hey, where did my sun go?

I squint open my eyes and there's an Abby shaped shadow standing over me. She spreads apart my legs and kneels down in the sand between them and puts out her hand, I grab it and she hoists me up. Tiny, but mighty. As I sit up our faces meet and I get a big wet kiss. In fact, she was soaking wet, she had just walked out of the water, I hate that I missed that scene.

"HEEY!" I'm getting all wet!" I protest.

"You're always wet," she whispered.

I can feel myself blushing. She is the biggest tease. Always. I poke her in the stomach and she giggles and scootches me over so she fits on my towel and we just sit together looking out onto the beach and the view of the island. The world felt infinite and everything was perfect and beautiful.

"This is the best vacation I've ever been on. Do you always travel like this?"

"Not always. I thought I'd pull all the stops post-tour and....for you..."

"For me? You don't have to do all this for me."

"It's not just for you."


"I have something else for you, it's yours whenever you want it," I teased.

"Mmmm...come into the water with me! Everyone is out there swimming."

I looked at the time on my phone, "sorry, I can't and neither can you. Everyone's gotta bring it in because you see that?" I point to a decently sized yacht docking close by.

"....yeah....Liv what did you do?"

"We're getting on that in so get your stuff. LEE! JON!! ANGIE! JEFF! HELLLOO!!! GET IN HERE!!" I called for my friends.

"Liv...stop! Are we really getting on that?"

"Yeah, so get your cute ass moving! GUYS! HURRY UP!!!"

Abby ties a sarong around her waist and I slap her perfect peach of an ass and laugh as I walk towards the rest of our friends to tell them about boarding the yacht.

We're all sitting on the bow of the boat where the captain has prepared a dinner for all of us. The six of us sit together and cheers to the amazing day we had. I snuggled up next to Abby breathed her in and kissed her on the shoulder; I know it's only been two weeks and we haven't really defined what we are but this feels so comfortable and so right. I didn't think I wanted to be in a relationship, at least not for a while. I was with the same guy for my entire adolescent life I didn't know how to be single. But here I am, Abigail Ricci. It's been two weeks and I already know I'm in love with her. My heart has loved her for so long, it just took the rest of me and my life to catch up. I look out into the sunset with my head nuzzled on her shoulder. I feel so good next to her. With her.

"You okay?" Abby asked softly.

"Mhm, never better, munch." I smiled.

I picked up my GoPro and stuck it onto part of the boat above and hit record. All this time on tour I've done nothing but record everything. I like saving and recording memories and watching it back later. It's cheesy but it's my thing. I want to be able to look back at this time, however long it may be, with Abby and remember this feeling of new and real love.


It's our last night in Greece before we get on a plane back to LA, back to real life. Two-week vacation is soon to be over and I'm devastated. We held hands as we walked back to the house. We opted for the guest house even though it's pretty much the size of the master bedroom but I wasn't sure how Abby felt about sharing the house with four other people, plus she can be loud, I chuckled.

"What are you thinking in that amazing mind of yours?" the tiny brunette asked.

"How do you know I'm thinking?"

"I can hear the gears going all the way out here. Wanna talk about it?"

I paused. There's no better time than now to try to have this conversation. I put it off the whole time we've been on this island.

"I was just thinking about us...what us is going to be when we get back to LA. Because the us on tour is different from the us in LA. In LA we were just best friends, in Europe, we're best friends that sleep together?" I hesitated at that last part. I'm not saying we need to label what we are but my concerns about what is going to happen when we get back to LA has become an occuring cause of anxiety as our days on this island are coming to an end.

"I think...I think I'm ready to be with you and only you. Always. Just like this. There's no reason things should be different once we get back to LA..." we stop at the front door and she stands on her tip toes and looks me in the eyes. She pokes me in the chest. "But if, to you, we're just best friends sleeping together then I will accept that. I don't want to, but I'll try."

"I don't want that. I want you, Abigail. I want your hands...all...over me. And I want to hands here...and here," I put my right hand on her left breast since it's my favorite and my free hand cups her warm sex. Abby wraps both arms around my neck and she bites her lower lip. God, she's so sexy. I move my arms and wrap it around her tiny waist. I breathe in this moment and push open the door.

We lay on the floor of our room with the deck doors open and the sea breeze blowing in wrapped in a thin white sheet. We can hear the crash of every wave against the shore. The smell of salt seeped into our bedroom. Abby hummed as she held my hand and drew circles on my palm.

I begin to sing to the tiny brunette who after such a short time I have fallen so in love with, the only thing that's been playing in my head the past two weeks.

Tonight you're mine completely

You give your love so sweetly

Tonight the light of love is in your eyes

But will you love me tomorrow?

Like the voice of an angel, Abby starts,

Is this a lasting treasure

Or just a moment's pleasure

Can I believe the magic of your sighs

Will you still love me tomorrow?

She looks up at me and together we sing

Tonight with words unspoken

You say that I'm the only one

But will my heart be broken

When the night meets the morning sun

Alone I sing

I'd like to know that your love

Is love that I can be sure of

So tell me now and I won't ask again

Will you still love me tomorrow?

She softly sings back

Will you still love me tomorrow?

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