Chapter 22 - Olivia

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"Take me upstairs," the tiny brunette whined. Her eyes were still closed and I was still supporting the majority of her weight with her arms around my neck.

"Munch, please," I pulled her arms off me and started picking up our clothes.


I placed my hand on the back of her neck and brought our faces together and I kissed her lips tenderly, "please, Abby."

What we just shared was so incredible and it probably had a lot to do with us being separated for a few days and the terms we left on. I didn't want that moment to end. The moment we said I love you to one another. But I needed to know where we stood. Just because we made love doesn't fix what happened last.

We both put on our clothes and I can see she's concerned. She looks a little confused too.

"Do you want to eat? I made dinner for us."

"Sure, it smells delicious."

It's awkward and tense as we get our food.

"Munch, where do we stand on the publicity stunt? I don't want to beat around the bush," I frown. "Because I've thought about it and if it means I get to keep you in my life and have moments like tonight with you then I'm willing to try it. For you...for us. Like I told you, I love you, endlessly..." I continue.

"You're willing to try it, for me?"

"Yeah. I am."

"I love you and I don't know what I ever did to deserve you!"

It didn't feel completely right but having Abby in my arms felt right too and that overpowered any other feelings I had.


"What do you think of him?" the tiny girl asked as she held up a photograph of yet another model.

Calvin had come over with a stack of photos of different men that he had a feeling, with the right amount of money, would agree to a few events and public appearances as Abby's date and eventual boyfriend until she was comfortable to come out.

I looked up and shrugged at the photo. I was too busy with my application for the master's program I wanted to get into. There were so many requirements, did I even meet them in order to be accepted into the program? What is all this? This is information overload.

"Babe, I narrowed it down to these three, you want to take a look? Calvin said we can set up a time to meet with them and see which of them we actua-...are you listening?"

"No..I'm not, honestly."

She closed my laptop shut, my brows furrowed, "what the fuck, Abby! I was doing something important!"

"This is important too!"

"It's really not. Pick whoever you want, I honestly don't care."

Her face changed, the corners of her mouth curved down and she began to pout. Ugh. I hate when she pouts because I can't resist it. She took a step back and turned her head to look out the window. I took off my glasses so I could rub the frustration off my face.

"Which ones did you want me to look at?"

"These three...I like the one in the middle. He's handsome but not too handsome where he'll draw attention away from me."

"He looks like a good candidate...tell Calvin you want to meet with him. Promise me you won't go alone though, bring Kasey or someone with you."

"You're not coming?"

"Sweetheart, I have to go to New York remember? I've only been talking about this entire application process since we got back from Greece..."

"Oh...yeah. Right."

"Do you NEED me there?"

"'s fine, you're right I'll have Kasey come or something," she said disappointedly.

The next morning Angie, Abby, and I are all in the car. Angie and I are on our way to the airport and we decided to drop Abby off at the backlot. She only has a week left of filming the show. She's already had an influx of offers for her next role. She and I have both been busy, her with filming, reading scripts for her next project, and searching for her fake boyfriend; and me with setting up my application and audition that goes with it, helping Angie find a house, and finding an office space.

I get out of the backseat of the car following Abby and I open the front door of the car as well. I push her in between the two doors, a trick I picked up to block any view of us from the possible paparazzi around us. I grab her by the belt loops on her jeans and pull her close to me. I slide my fingers in the top of her jeans, the skin on her stomach is warm and soft, she hums as she places her arms on my shoulders.

"I'll miss you."

"I know," she smirks. "I'll miss you more."

"Don't fall in love with your fake boyfriend when you meet him."

"Never. Make sure you stop by my parent's house! They miss you!"

"I will."

"Most of all, relax during your interview and audition. Remember to breathe. Try your best not to focus on the uncertainties, try to focus on what you have to offer them. You know you have what it takes. You know you can do everything they require and then some! You're my girl and you're going to rule the world!"

"I love you, Abigail!

"I love you, too!"


My lady smiled, pushed herself up on her tiptoes and planted a soft kiss on my mouth. I kissed her back, harder this time, teasing my tongue into her mouth. When Abby tried to kiss back, I pulled away, kissed her forehead and pushed her off to set.


"Hi, honey! It's so good to see you! Glad you could make it to dinner!" Marc said enthusiastically.

"Me too! I missed you too, how have you guys been?"

"Great, you and Abby doing ok?" asked Eve.

"Yeah we're doing good...she's probably meeting her new boyfriend as we speak," I say sarcastically. "Sorry, that was rude. I'm sorry."

"Listen, I don't like it either but I'm her father and I have to support her decisions whether I like it or not...don't tell her mother. Ssshh!" Marc joked.


I spent three days in an intensive audition, interview, and application process for the program. Holy fuck. I've never been so stressed in my life. I did my best. I repeatedly told myself. Even if I don't get the spot one good thing I got out of this whole experience is reconnecting with my old roommate and friends. What are the odds Julia, Fabian, and Nathan all were vying for a spot in the same program as I was. We were all soo close while we were going to school, we had all our classes together and did every project together and each night we would have an impromptu jam session and these last three days we did the same thing and it was fan-fucking-tastic! I want to start a band with these guys, they're the most talented people I have ever worked with! We don't get the results for a few more weeks, god I'm going to be anxious for a few more weeks.

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