3. News

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"Things change."



We got to the venue and it was absolutely massive. Soundcheck was about to start so I was sitting in the chairs on the floor. It was probably the fifth row, I turned around and looked to see how absolutely small I felt. It's crazy to see it empty, to know that in a few hours it will be filled.

I could hear the crowd singing their hearts out. The screams, the vibe, the love, and the passion that all the fans share for each other, the music, and Shawn. I cannot wait for the show to start.

"Can miss Avelyn Winter please turn around?" I heard Shawn's loud voice say through the mic.

I smiled before turning back around to look at him. The whole band was laughing and Shawn just had a grin.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Which song would you like to hear?" Shawn asked.

I smiled, "Never Be Alone please."

He nodded, "Alright."

Shawn then switched his guitar with help from Geoff. Once he was prepared he started to strum the song. Soon the silent arena was filled with the strumming of the guitars and the beat of the drum. I was overwhelmed with the sounds echoing around, it was a good feeling.

Shawn started to sing the song, all while never taking his eyes off of mine. I hold this song so close to my heart that to be here, listening to it in an empty arena, with him literally singing it to me is so meaningful.

I was stuck in this trance until I felt someone next to me. I looked over to see Andrew, he had my phone in his hands. I guess I left it in the dressing room.

"Your phone was ringing and I seen it was your mom." He informed me.

I smiled, "Thank you."

I took my phone from him and looked over at Shawn. I held up my phone and pointed to it letting him know I had to make a call. He just nodded but continued with the soundcheck. I on the other hand got up and walked out so I was able to hear my mom when I called her. I dialed my moms number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey mom, you know you could text me and I'd call you if you needed anything." I told her as soon as she answered.

But she never replied, but I could hear her breathing. It was followed by sniffling which made me feel uneasy.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Oh honey." Was all she said.

I didn't like how she said that, "Mom what is it? What's wrong?"

"Avelyn, it's your dad. He...he had a stroke, were in the hospital and it doesn't look good." She told me before she started to sob into the phone.

That's when I felt my stomach drop, I was no longer hearing Shawn sing. It's like he stopped or at least I thought he did because everything was silent. I didn't even notice my hand was shaking, I wasn't even sure how I was still holding my phone.

When You're Ready; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now