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Selena's POV

"Please don't kill someone." I begged. I know that Justin can be aggressive and he loves his daughter more than anything.

"He pushed my baby down from the top of the slide." He cried. I couldn't blame him, I wanted to strangle the kid too. How could that kid do it? I don't think anyone can develop hate towards someone that quickly and even then is absurd.

When Emory fell down from the top, my heart dropped to my stomach. I didn't see the fall or heard her cry. It was Grace who told me since Faith was screaming like crazy. Faiths crying was even louder than Emory's.
Faith was sitting by Emory holding her head and stroke her hair.

The ambulance came and took Emory here to the hospital. Nick didn't want to come, even tho he saw how much this effected Faith. He told me Emory wasn't his daughter and he doesn't want to have anything to do with her.

I didn't know that, he knew she was mine before today. I never told him that.

The doctors told me that she was going to be okay. It's been too long and she still isn't conscious. I reach out and touch Justin's hand and squeeze it. He immediately pulls it away from me.

"Please don't." He whispered.

"Justin, don't be like that."

"Stop it Sel. You have not right to tell me that." He said and I looked confused. "You were the one who left us."

"I get it I made a mistake okay!? Can't we just get over it?"

"Over it? Selena you don't know what we've been through, stop playing like you're the victim."

"Victim? You don't know the half of it. I've tried to make up for the lost time Justin. I have tried."

"Tried by giving us money like we were apart of some charity shop. And tell me what is it that you just won't tell me."

"I want to but..."

"Why can't you tell me? Why does it always have to be this hard?"

"I told you that I will, when I have sorted things out, and you told me that you'll wait." I sighed.

I can't tell Justin why I left him, not yet. It will be used against me if Justin knew about it. It's just too painful hurting him like this. I don't even know if he still loves me. So if this ends good and Justin hates me, that would be the worst.

"Do you still love me?" I asked silently.

"Yeah, how can I not? You're my wife, were my wife. We have a daughter together." He forced a smile. Until I ruined it all. "Do you love me?"

"More than anything." I smiled but Justin didn't smile. I saw sadness in his Beautiful eyes.

I had to end it with Nick and it makes me feel better knowing that deep down Justin still loves me even tho I left him alone with Emory. But we can't go back to what it used to be.

I want Emory to wake up. See her bright green eyes which still have me wondering. Me and Justin both have brown eyes. Justins are more Hazel, but how did Emory get green eyes? None of our parents has green eyes either.

"Is she going to wake up Mommy?" Faith asked worriedly.

"I hope so honey."


It's been a couple of days since Emory got home from the hospital. She was conscious after 5 hours. I regularly go to Justin's house to check on her. It was becoming difficult since Nick is keeping his eye on me. He has become a lot more controlling and it's hard to get out of the house. Its like he knows what I have planned up my sleves.

I would typically pay them a visit when I dropped off the girls. I try to drive faster and that tends to give me more time. Faith keeps asking me if she can visit her, but I told her maybe sometimes later. Grace could not know about me visiting Emory, she tells Nick everything. Faith doesn't tell him anything.


Today is the first time I'm bringing Faith with me. She is excited and I made sure she wouldn't tell Nick about it.

"Mommy? Won't they ask if I'm not at school? Grace is there she is a tattles a lot." Faith asked from the back of the seat.

"You and Grace aren't in the same class anymore. I sorted it out sweetie don't worry. Just don't tell daddy."

"What if he asks? You told me not to lie." She frowns.

"Just try not to answer him, tell him you need the toilet and then just come to me." What am I doing? Telling her to lie to her own father.

I also hated the fact that the girls caught on our little silent fight. They have both picked a side, a parent. I don't care how much I hated their father, they are still my daughters and I want them to be close.

"But Grace always says that daddy and you are getting a divorce."

"What? How'd she know?" I said before slapping my hand over my mouth.

"So you are splitting?" She asked confused.

"I don't know honey, would you be sad?"

She told me she would miss her daddy. But she wanted to live with me and Grace. I wanted to tell her off, but no need right now. I don't know if Nick wants the custody of them or not. I don't think he want to invest his time on nonsense as he recalls

"We're here."

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