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Justin's POV

I got to take Emory home. When we got home I put Emory in her bed and made her some soup. After Emory fell asleep, I went to my bedroom and locked my self in and started to cry.

All the emotion I had felt that day came out. How I felt like nothing matter and I actually risked my life, and my daughter ends up in the hospital. I got upset with Selena again. Said something I kind of regret and then I don't really. My emotions are everywhere, and I can't control them.


I'm sitting on the floor in my bathroom. The tears are still floating and I can't deal with it right now. I want them to stop coming out.

"Justin we're here!" Shit I forgot that Selena has a key.

I shoot up and washes my face. I can't let her see me like this. Even when we were together she didn't see me like this very often.

"Justin?" She shouted again and I didn't answer. I could hear footsteps coming towards the bedroom.

"Be right there." I shouted hoping that she would stop walking towards the bedroom.

"Fine we'll go to Emory's room." She said and the footsteps walked away.


I was out fifteen minutes later. I had red eyes, but there is nothing I can do about it. The eye drops Scooter gave me works like shit. He said they would make the white part of my eyes super white and it doesn't do anything.

"Good morning Emory." I said and made my way to her bed.

"How is she doing?" Selena said standing behind me. She came over and stood beside me with Faith by her side.

"I think she is good, not too sure about it." I said running a hand though my hair. I could feel my shorts are slipping further and further down my waist. I look over at Selena then pulls them up again quickly.

Selena started to feed Emory and talk to her. Emory seemed very happy that Selena was there. She giggled loudly and ate her food. Faith was there as well adding to the conversation.

"Where is Grace?" I asked, when I noticed that she wasn't here. She was always clinging to Selena's leg unless Nick was there.

"She's in school. She'll tatle to Nick." She sighed and shook her head.

"What is happening with you guys?"

"We're getting a divorce." She shrugged.

She and Nick are getting divorced. Nick has been keeping his eyes on her 24/7. Their daughters picked their own parent. Faith only talks to her dad because she doesn't want her dad to know something is different.

Selena is going to take custody of Faith, and Grace wants to stay with Nick. Selena wanted badly to have her daughters together, having a good relationship and grow up together. I felt sad for her. Even tho I just met Faith, I love her already. She makes my daughter happy and that makes me happy.

I want me and Selena to become a family, but she hasn't yet told me why she left. There is A BIG part of me that would like to try again, like really want to be with her again. On the other side there is a scar in my heart and it hasn't healed. Only time will tell.

"Well I better get going." Selena said and Faith protested and tried to pull her mothers leg.

"Faith, let go" Selena said and shook her leg, but she had a good grib.

"Can she stay?" Selena asked looking up at me.


Selena thanked me and told me that she would pick her up later. She went and got her purse and drove of the road. I'm here with two little girls.

"Where did my mom go?" Faith asked and went over to me. "She had to go to work sweetie, she'll be here to pick you up."

"Do you think my mommy and daddy will split? Because some in school are starting to tease me." She asked sad. It was a lot for her to handle, I don't think she quite understands what's going on.

"Are you sad?" Emory asked suddenly. Little Emory doesn't know any of this. Her mom wasn't even present. She lost the love from her mother growing up.

"I don't know. I can't be with my sister anymore." She shrugged.  Emory was about to tell her something, I assume that she was going to tell her that she is her sister. Luckily she looked at me first.
'Not now' I mouthed to her.

"Sweetie you probably will see your sister." I said trying to comfort her. I stroke her back and Faith relaxed a bit.


Three hours has passed and the girls are playing tea party. I watched them play for ten minutes and went away because they would ask me to play.

My phone rang and I jumped up to take it. The screen shows a picture of Selena. "Hello?"

"Justin, get Faith We can't stay here anymore." Selena said with fear in her voice.

"What the hell? Is it Nick?"

"Yes! Please you need to get Faith and you and Emory can't stay either. Hurry Justin it's not safe, pack some food and clothes."

"You're freaking me out."

"Just do it. I'll be there in 10 minuets and be ready." She said and hung up.

What does she mean? Why aren't we safe anymore? I don't understand why I had to pack. She is having trouble with Nick. With questions running through my head I manage to pack clothes for me and Emory. Pack our toiletries and all that.

I took everything we had in the pantry and fridge, packed it up in a plastic bag. I placed the bag on top of the suitcases then in front of the door.


Exactly 10 minutes later Selena pulled up with a huge car. A Black Buick. Me and the girl hurried out to the car.

"Where are we going?"

"Hush and get in." She said firmly.

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