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The same day

I had been reading the same line of the work I had been given by an author for 26 minutes now, I couldn't focus properly knowing Demi would be here any minute. I got up and began to clean my desk before reaching for my phone but it rang before I could call Jess, I picked up and heard Jess's voice.

"- Miss Lovato is here. Are you available?

-Yes, let her come in."

I hung up and I could feel my heart beat way too fast. I tried to calm down and sat down but I got up right after when I saw the door open.

I looked her petite figure enter, thanking whoever opened the door and I smiled weakly at her.

"- Now this is a little better, isn't it?"

She nodded and I went to the couch that was situated in a corner of my office, silently asking her to join me.

"- So... what was it that you wanted to talk about?

-I want to... apologize for everything I said at the hospital, it wasn't fair to talk like that and I'm sorry. I guess I never came to talk to you about how I felt and it wasn't fair to blame you for what you didn't know..."

I narrowed my eyebrows and when I was about to talk, she cut me off.

"- Let me talk, just hear me out... Ten years ago, my first single came out and when fame started to get to me... My manager told me what had to stop seeing each other... He knew I risked a lot by dating you because of our original situation at school and if we had you in the spotlight... It could have ruined it all and... He convinced me to push you away.

"I didn't know what I was doing because he had introduced me to so many people... I thought they were my friends, but they weren't and I felt so lonely for so long, I wanted to reach out and actually tried, I went to your apartment four years ago but you had moved, nobody would tell me where and that's when everything went bad...

"I got worse and I'm sorry I said all those things but it felt like it wasn't my fault so I put the blame on you to avoid putting the blame on my old manager... I could lose it all because I feel like, although Lucas got me out of his grip, he's still pulling the strings."

I looked at her, crying silently and before I knew it, it felt like my 17 years old self was back and I collapsed in her arms, holding her tightly. It felt like the last ten years of my life were an entire lie, ten years during which I thought my first love pushed me away because I wasn't worth it, ten years of growth because of a lie. I didn't regret it because it led me to some amazing experiences, I met Sam and had Amy because of all this... But I felt weird, like every feeling i had erased for Demi were linked to the thought that she pushed me away and it all rushed back into me, all the love and the care...

"- I'm sorry, I should have fought harder... This isn't fair, what he did to you and you were worth a fight... I'm so sorry..."

My voice was shaky and it broke at the end of my sentence. She rubbed my back slowly and I sobbed in her arms, not ready to let go.

"- Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault but I'm going to recover with or without you in my life, because I'd totally understand if you didn't want to see me anymore."

I parted from her and cupped her face before shaking my head.

"- I'll be with you... I'll stop by the rehab center whenever I can, I won't let you down, not another time..."

She smiled truthfully and she slowly leaned in for a hug again and I let her, squeezing her within my arms.

"- Thank you... so so much... I'm so grateful..."

If you love me (LMLY sequel Demi Lovato girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now