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Two days later

Things had been weird I'd say, after this weekend, I felt weird and almost like I was lying to Sam although except a few words nothing happened between me and Demi.

I had been receiving news from Demi's doctor and she was doing bad, she was entering a bad phase of her rehabilitation, she was refusing to talk and she wanted to run away from the center. She had been reminded that I wouldn't be seeing her if she wasn't improving but it was obviously not working.

I was now leaving the hospital after dropping Sam to see Drew. Things had been working well for him recently, he had just launched a new song, his marriage was amazing and I couldn't wait to see him to have a bit of reassurance. We would wait together while Sam was at the hospital, as she had insisted on going alone.

It was weird, she had been willing to do this together for a long time but she now wanted to go alone, I was respecting her choice though.
After thirty minutes with Amy and Carter playing together, me and Drew finally settled to have a talk.
"I need some advice... I went to see Demi last weekend... And I'm confused" I said, "I was feeling... things, that I don't want to feel."
"You still love her don't you?" He said with confidence and reassurance in his voice.

"I mean... I feel like everything I had tried to erase is still here because it was all based on a lie..." my gaze dropped and I looked at my cup of coffee in my hands.

"It's okay, you know. She was... your first love and it's not easy to let it go, especially when it feels like you have unfinished business. Did you talk about it with S.?" I shook my head shyly, knowing I should have talked about it with Sam. "you should if you feel like she would understand."

"Yeah but I... I don't want to lose her, Drew, I don't want to give up what we built. We're planning on having another baby, this is not just a fling or anything, this is serious, this is... my life, my whole goddamn life!" I took a shaky breath at the thought of losing one of them and drew took my hand with a small smile.
"Take your time to figure things out... but I know Sam loves you and I know... that Demi loves you too, maybe too much, but try not to hurt anyone, yourself included."

I nodded grateful to have his advice and I hugged him slowly, murmuring a little thank you in his arms.
Time passed and it was now time to go back to Sam. Amy wanted to stay with carter longer and Drew agreed to have her over for tonight, knowing that it'd help me in the meanwhile.

I waited for Sam in front of the hospital in the car and smiled when I saw her coming out of there. She smiled back and when she entered the car I kissed her cheek slowly.

"How did it go?" I said with a small smile, hoping everything went fine. She didn't take much time to look at me and got on her phone, answering some texts for work.
"It was fine." She answered coldly and quickly looked over at me with a sad smile, "I have so much work to do, i hate it."

I took her hand in mine and led it to my lips, placing a kiss on top of it. It felt weird doing it because I really felt like a cheater recently even if I wasn't but I wasn't used to this feeling especially since our relationship had been so open and honest.

"Well you can relax tonight, Amy stayed at Drew and Lucas'" she smiled and looked at me mouthing a thank you and I started driving, letting go of her hand.
Knowing she was stressed I knew tonight wouldn't be the night we would talk, I didn't want her to be in a stressful state.

The silence that was usually comfortable was becoming awkward. I felt Sam stare at me and I kept looking at the road, holding nervously the wheel.
"When are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I almost forgot to breath for a moment but I looked at Sam for a second.

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