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Four days later

It was finally Friday, it was one of the first time ever since I had this job that I wanted the weekend to come.

Although this time it'd be different, I'd catch a plane to go see demi at the rehabilitation center and I was really looking forwards to it.
I had a few serious talks with Sam this week because I didn't want to hide the fact that the reasons behind the breakup that were now revealed, brought back some old feelings in me and also that I was going to be there for demi 100% this time.

I'm not hiding that tears were involved in our conversations but she trusted me enough to tell her the truth so I wasn't holding anything back.
I didn't want to break anything between us and we had some appointments to attend next week at the hospital so she couldn't be too stressed. This time it was about something that I was looking forwards to, I wasn't going to the hospital for some bad shit again, we would be trying to get Sam pregnant for our second baby.

I didn't know if I should brought it up when I see demi but I would be there for the both of them and none of them would feel left down. I wanted Sam to feel less stressed so I would take some days off to stay with her and Amy during the week and I'd hang in Brooklyn each weekend with Demi at the rehabilitation center, Jess would handle most of my job for the next few weeks except for the big meetings.

I was currently in the plane; ready to land. I had never been to Brooklyn before so I'd take this evening to go around, visit and I'd spend Saturday and Sunday with Demi, like I had planned with her doctor.

I had been in touch with them this week and they said she was really in a bad shape but she was holding on because she was looking forwards to this weekend so I wouldn't let her down and I'd get her whatever she wanted this weekend, willing to spend as much money as needed on her.

I felt the plane touch the ground and i released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I waited a few minutes before gatherings my stuff, leaving the plane. As I was getting out, I saw a bright light, like a flash and I looked around but didn't see anything.

I walked out of the airport quickly and joined the chauffeur I had hired for the weekend. I got in the car and texted Sam to tell her I landed safely and that I'd text her tonight when i go to sleep.

I stopped at the hotel with the car and let him go for tonight, willing to walk for the time being. I left my things in my hotel room and got out, starting to walk into the lit up streets of Brooklyn. I could spot the bridge and continued to walk, letting the cold air hit my skin in waves.

I started walking towards the bridge and once I was on it walked until I was in the middle. I stopped and looked at the water, breathing in the fresh air of this cold February night. I closed my eyes and after a few more breaths I felt snow linger on my cheeks and I smiled slowly before reopening my eyes to notice the snowflakes surrounding me.

I looked up to the sky then around me to admire the city being lit up by the glowing snow. I froze when I saw a flash again and I looked around to nothing again. It was weird how I kept seeing flashes.

I walked and enjoyed the view of the snowy cityscape for a little while before going back into my hotel room for a warm bath. It lasted for a good thirty minutes before I finally got out to fall asleep in my fluffy bed, surrounded by warm sheets.

I really liked NYC, it was a lot more pleasant than LA but it was still full of life. I loved it.

I woke up to the familiar smell of hotel's lavande sheets with a smile on my face, the perceptive of the day got me out of bed quickly, hopping into the shower quickly and leaving quickly after, I had booked the hotel for two people, meaning I could take demi in for breakfast if we made it out on time.

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