Take Me Away For A Day

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"Hello, I'm Lauren," The lady with the long brown hair and purple tips said.

"And im bobby" The man with the blonde hair and kinda face said.

"Y-your LaurenZside!" I said not believing my eyes.

"How do you know that," The lady named Lauren said, with a friendly but confused face.

"You're my favorite youtubers!" I say jumping up and down.

"Aww, bobby shes a fan!" Lauren said.

"That's so cool!" The man named Bobby said

"W-why are you here," I say pulling myself back down to Earth.

"Well, we want to spend a day with you to see if we want to adopt you!" Lauren said.

My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't belive what I was hearing, adopted...by LaurenZside!

"T-this is incredible," I say tearing up and running to hug her and Bobby.

As they hug back I knew this was the best day of my life.

"Well go upstairs and change Molly," The worker says to me.

"Yes, M'am," I say heading up the stairs to my room.

I grab my LaurenZside shirt I got for Christmas and my LaurenZside sweatshirt over it.

I grab my LaurenZside shirt I got for Christmas and my LaurenZside sweatshirt over it

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"Oh, no is this to fan girly oh well I have no time," I say worrying.

I head downstairs and see them smiling at me, I smile back.

"You have my merch!" Lauren says smiling.

"Y-yeah I asked for it all Christmas from the orphanage," I say back smiling but still shy.

"That's too sweet!" Lauren says turning to Bobby.

"Well, let's go!" Lauren says motioning to the door.

I follow her into there car as I sit in the back seat.

"First we're gonna go to the arcade!" Bobby says.

"I LOVE ARCADES," I say super excited.

As we're driving in the car they ask me some questions then get to the stuff I love.

"So whats your favorite thing on my channel Molly," Lauren asked.

"Yandere Simulator for sure!" I say knowing the truth.

"Whos your favorite Youtuber besides us?" Lauren asks with a smile.

"All of TrollCraft and Bijuu Mike!!" I say speaking the truth once again..

"That's great," Lauren says as I wonder why she says that.

"Wow, Lauren she seems so cute!" Bobby says as Lauren nods her head in agreement.

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