IMPORTANT! Please read :3

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Ok so some of you guys might have seen that I have changed my name, it is now Scarleven. The reson is beacuse ScarlettsSide is my youtube, I originally wanted this to be somewhere I could read stories but then I started wrighting and people started reading my stories, I dont my want youtube to be appart of this world, so I have desisded to change my name and create a new world for me, I hope you all understand and please dont send hate my way, I have thought about this and come to my statement so there is no changing my mind, thank you for supporting me and im sorry if your mad at me for changing my name, if you dont wanna stay with me beacuse of this STUPID reson then this is goodbye, I hope you all still continue to read my stories and enjoy my hard work this was a hard dessision but it is that one I have made <3 welp thats it BAIIIIII GUYSSSSSSS ~Scarleven ;) (P.S I am not changing these Stories/My style of wrighting/ My rating as in PG PG13  This is strictly my name and my name only that is being changed thats it BYEEE.

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