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"Molly I...Really like you" Jaxs says with a blush.

"I-i like you to Jax," I say smiling at him.

"R-really?" He asks not convinced.

"Y-yes I-" I get cut off from a shout across the pool.


We both blush and run after her to sit under the umbrellas in the beach chairs. While Jax got us ice cream I started to question Jamie.

"Ok, how much did you see?" I asked.

"All of it," Jamie says with her cute smirk.

"I-i" I stuttered.

"Girl, he likes you go get him!" Jamie says.

"Your right," I say feeling more confident.

We spend the rest of out day at the park then we head home.

"I had a lot of fun!" Jamie said perkily.

Jax and I had been avoiding each other the whole day afraid of what was going to happen, well until....

"Molly, can we talk?" Jax says.

I nod and we head up to the roof as Jamie tells the parents about our day.

"Well, there's an amusement park here and..." He says trailing off.

He looks at me then back at the sky and shakes his head a little before continuing.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me there," He says looking at the sky like it was a fresh cupcake, I wonder what he was thinking.

"I would love to," I say smiling warmly at him.

~Time Skip brought to you by Mollys purple hair~

It was the next day and I was getting ready for my date....or more like Jamie was getting me ready for my date.

I wore this

And put up my hair like this

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And put up my hair like this.

And put up my hair like this

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And these lips

After Jamie said I was done I looked in the mirror in awe

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After Jamie said I was done I looked in the mirror in awe.

"Jamie this is amazing..." I say amazed.

"Well, you better hurry Jax is gonna be here any minute," Jamie says with her smirk.

"Crap your right!" I say.

I grab my phone my purse and my lipstick and head to meet Jax in the lobby.

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