Univerity Dance?!

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Jax and I got out of the classroom and caught up with Sungy and Jamie in the hallway. Jax had his arm around my waist.

"Ewwww look at them being all lovey-dovey", Jamie says loud enough so I can hear.

"Oh shut up you're just jealous" I retorted.

"Mmm true," She says back.

We all laugh and start heading to the next class that we all have together. We walk past the board with lots of fliers and see a bunch of students huddled around it.

"Whats going on?" Jamie says trying to peak over.

"I don't know, hey why don't you see Sungy your small" I tease while still being truthful.

"HEY!, But fineeee," she says scooting through the people to reach it.

She comes back holding a flier we all huddle around it.

"School dance? they still do that in college?" I ask Jax since he is a year older than us all.

"Yeah I haven't gone, I was waiting to go with you," He says rubbing the back of his head blushing.

"AWWW!" All three of us say together.

"Of course ill go with you!" I say kissing him.

"Eww get a room," Jamie says looking disgusted.

I smack her over the head with a flier and she starts chasing me.

"WHY DID YOU SMACK MEEEE," She says chasing me.

"YOU RUINED THE MOOD" I scream back while running.

Jax chases after Jamie to stop her from killing me while Sungy sighs and follows after Jax.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip to lunch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"SOOO girls want to go dress shopping for the dance after school?" Jamie asks.

"Speaking of which when is the dance?" I ask Sungy.

"This Friday," She says.

"WHAT!" I say surprised.

"Yep so were going dress shopping today and that's FINAL!" She says.

"FINEEEE," I say finishing up my burger and salad from the school cafeteria.

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