Thank you for 1K!

613 9 13

HOLY HECK HOW DID WE GET TO 1k READS IM DEAD YOU ARE ALL ThE BEST THANK YOU! I coulnt be happier with my life right now 1k reads this is did I become so lucky thank you all so much you all mean the world to me thank you Im crying right now, thank you to the people that not only read my story but vote and follow me to you all mmake me smile and your comments light up my day, thank you to the people that support me and love my story you are the real fans, I dont even consider you fans I consider you friends, you support me and make me smile and laugh thank you all <3 Make sure to follow me and read my stoies to come <3 Thank you, welp (can you guess whats coming) BAIIII GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

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