Fluff 10) Valentine.

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A/N hi guys guess who's back, this word little bean aka me. So I know it's almost March and I have not updated all February, so I'm going to go ahead and update a Sam and Colby ship for your late Valentine's Day gift from me. So I hope you enjoy.

So today is Valentine's Day, a day where you celebrate love with your loved one or if you're single and alone eat a bunch of pizza. That was me about 3 years ago, before I met him. The boy with the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen, Colby Brock. My boyfriend of 3 years, who I love dearly and would do anything for. Well today is the day that I asked if he would like to spend the rest of his life with me.

I was going to be super casual about it and I still am. So I walk downstairs with the ring in my pocket and see Colby sitting on the couch.
"Hey Colby, i have a question."
"And i have an answer." He giggled.
I got on my knee,"Cole Robert Brock, we've been best friends for 7 years and we've been together for three. I've spent the best 7 years with you that anyone could ever ask for. You make me laugh you make me smile you make me happy. And I want to make that dream come true. So will you Cole Robert Brock marry me?"

"Yes! A thousand times yes!" He shot of jumping up and down as I slid the ring onto his finger.

Apple him closer by wrapping my arms around his waist which him responding wrapping his arms around my neck. I rested in my forehead against his as we sealed our newly profound engagement with a sweet kiss. We put a part due to an interruption in a sudden Outburst of clapping and dog whistling. We turned around to see the roommates and clapping and shouting congratulations, which meant they had witnessed the whole thing. We saw each roommate had their phone and you Vlog camera recording us and I can just imagine the content and thumbnail they have gotten.

And now 4 years later, I am proud to say that I am still married to Colby. And we have two beautiful children that we have gotten via adoption. A little boy named Carson chance goldbach Brock, and a sweet little girl named Rose Marie goldbach Brock.
Hope you guys enjoyed sorry for the late late delay of updating. I hope to update some more soon but I can't make any promises.

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Forever and always keep running and keep moving onward.
Word count-471

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