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"You're never satisfied, no matter what I do. It's never enough." The blonde states.

"That's not true. " The brunette retaliates.

"Really now? " Blonde crosses his arms.

" You're never satisfied with anything. " Blondie shouts.

" I am too. " Brunette retaliates.

The blonde stares at his other half.

The brunette looks away, in the direction of the housemates.

"You're not satisfied with the likes or retweets you get. Or the content of videos we produce. " The short blonde says.

" You're not satisfied with your merch sells. Or our merch sells. " The bunned man says.

" You're always complaining. " The baby faced boy says.

" I-i uh. " As of now, it feels like the housemates entered Colby's worst night mare.

((Part 2... Maybe))

Word count-121.

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