For Forever.

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I will love you for forever.

I will be by your side for forever.

There's nothing you can do about it.

I now you love me and don't want me to leave.

Don't worry, I won't.

I will stand beside you for forever.

And I will stay byin sickness and in health.

I will protect you at all and any cost.

You are the light of my life.

The sun to my shine.

The best to my heart.

I love you and I always will.

I'll always be here for you and be beside you in life.

Though I am bit here physically, I'm here spiritually.

I love you Colby, you helped me through so much.

But I reached my limit, and I can't do it anymore.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

Forever and always,
Sam Golbach.        
September 24, 2018.

I stood on the edge of the bridge, taking in the beautiful midnight sky.

Before taking my last breath and stepping forward.

Falling to my mournful death

"It has just been brought in as news to the Burbank residents. It has been reported that a local resident has been seen jumping  from the Colorado Street Bridge. Police and ambulances take to the seen after several videos trended on social media. We to Kelly on the scene. "

" Thank you Tom. Yes today we mourn the tragic loss of local resident Sam Golbach. Local by passers say they witnessed the small male stand on the edge. A pair of girls tried to talk him out of his goal, and called 911 and police arrived later. The motivation is unknown and may remain that way. We apologize to the family and friends of Sam.  We are also told he was a social media influencer, we apologize to the fanbase."

" Oh my gosh." Kat said covering her mouth.

" Why wouldn't he talk to someone about this? " Jake replied wiping his eyes, Jake grew up with us, it was hard on him.

Devin hid her face in Corey's chest, while Corey wiped his own eyes.

Devin and Sam used to do make-up together, seeing how Sammy loved it.

Elton, Brennen, and Arron all look down, occasionally willing the tears that fell on their cheeks.

Reed and Devin (Hayes) stood completely shell shocked.

I, on the other hand, was a sobbing mess.

The love of my life is gone.

And there was nothing I could do.

I tried so hard to help.

My cell phone started to ring, I looked and saw it was his mom.

"H-h-he's g-g-g-gone. I-i-i'm s-so s-s-sorry." I sob.

I'm only meet with crying from his family on the other line.

None of say anything, we just cry together.

After a while we discuss the funeral date and arrangements.

I go to bed, a sobbing mess, and alone.

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