a day to remember

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i finished getting ready, i didn't tell the guys about my date with scotty.

even though he's openly gay and probably could careless if i told the guys.

but i didn't want to push it, i mean i just came out to them yesterday.

after hiding ot for eight years.

anyway, i finished getting ready.

i threw on my black ripped jeans and red hot chili peppers shirt.

i slipped on my vans also known as the famous exploring shoes. and grabbed my phone and jacket

i walked to the lift in the front of the house and headed to the grove.


"i don't know how long i can keep faking this Bren.'' i looked up at him.

"i know you hate lying to him, but he doesn't seem interested in you, allcyou have to do is make him jealous and he'll come crawling back to you."

"what if he doesn't? what if he dates someone else?"

"thats not going to happen." he said confidently.

"but what if it does?"

"we'll figure out something."

i decided to drop it and continue watching the movie.


"thank you for the date Scotty. i had fun and enjoyed myself." i smile, a light tint of red dusting my cheeks.

"it was no problem, if anything i should thank you, this was the best day of this year." he smiled.

"so for our next date- wait it is okay if we have another one, right?" i said, looking into his eyes.

"of course, i mean, only if you want to. i had a great time, so i wouldn't mind having another one or a lot more." i smile sheepishly.

"thats great! so what should we do next date?" i smile broadly.

"well, you know there is a new movie coming out next week. should we go to that?''

"of course! i haven't been to the movies in forever." i smiled.

"okay, its set." he smiled, "next saturday at 12?"

i nodded, "that sounds perfect."

he gave me a hug, and i happily hugged back

"i'll text you." he smiled, pulling away and walking to his car

"i'll be waiting." i smile, walking inside and up to my room.


"wait wait wait." i said pulling away from the window.

"okay, what am i waiting for?" brennen asked.

"Sam just got back from a date with Scotty."  i said shocked.

brennen sat there.

"i missed my chance! he's been swept away! and its all your fault! get out!" i screamed at brennen.

i swear, i have never seen anyone run as a fast as he did. he ran faster than benny from the sandlot.

sam walked in, ready to comfort me and ask if i was okay.

"get the fuck out, you caused this!" i screamed not realizing who at and what i was yelling.

"geez sorry, sorry i caused your break up." he said, hurt painted across his face and lacing his voice.

he walked out, and at that moment i realized what i had done.

"sam wait!" i called out but it was to late.

why does jealousy ruin so much?


i never realized how much  of a jerk Colby was.

i can't believe i used to like him.

but now i have Scotty and I couldn't be happier.

i smiled at the thought of him

word count- 560

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