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((this is the part 2 to satisfied))

"I-i-uh." The brunette stutters.

"Anything we go and do, you're not satisfied with. If we go bowling or if we go to an abandoned house, you're not satisfied. It's like you hunger for more things, but you don't get that. You don't understand that we can't go 24/7 and we can't fill your needs before we fill our own. I don't understand why you don't get this, I don't understand why you're not satisfied with anything." The blue eyed blonde states.

" Are you even happy with this relationship? Does this relationship status you?"

" Of course it does, you're everything that I've ever needed or wanted in my life. I can't explain to you why I'm not satisfied I don't know why. I can't explain it I really can't."

A hush of silence fell over the room.

" You never say I love you anymore." I blonde says looking down.

"But I should have to, you should know by now that I love you and that I care for you."

" I should know it? I should feel it but I don't feel it. I don't feel your love for me like I used to I don't feel like we used to in this relationship. Do you even want this relationship?"

Another silence fell.

" I get it." Was all the blonde said before walking out the mahogany wood door.

((so a little bit of an author's note, I'm so sorry that it took me so long to try and write this. I've been dealing with homework and many other things that I need to try and get sorted out before I go to 10th grade, even though that is a long time away. I need to try and figure out what I want to do so I can figure out what I need to work on in 9th grade before I succeed to 10th grade if that even happens period so writing is going to be, I don't want to say rare, but not as frequent as some would expect it to be. if you want me to I can do a little chapter explaining my high school experience so far, the things I want to do throughout my four years of high school, My Life Plan. Anything that you guys want me to do I will try and do. And I'm really sorry if this part II wasn't what everyone was expecting, or it wasn't that good I wrote this after picture day and I was really tired I still am a little bit tired but that's just what happens when you go 24/7.))

Word count- 446

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