a treacherous time

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High School.

They say it's the most magical time of your life.

Where you find out what you want to do in life.

And where persue your passions, academically and in extracurricular ways.

Where you make new friends, discover who you really are, all that mushy bullshit.

But in reality, it's where you go to suffer.

It's the government's way of making you suffer because your parents can't do it cause they're too busy feeding into the society as well as paying money into the pockets of the demons we call governors and senators.

it's a place we go that's supposed to quote on quote prepare us for life, but you and I know good and well it's just a way to get us off our parents shoulders because they work 12-hour days and get paid minimum wage.

High School is a way to show you how life is really going to work and prepare you for the job that you want and prepare you for college.

no it's really not, it's a place for you to learn how you're going to get paid minimum wage for working an 8-hour shift. All because your coworker got hungover and can't come in, when it's supposed to be your weekend off.

well at least that's how my high school experience has been. Until I met him.

((word count- 229))

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