torturous experience.

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as I walk through the doors the torturous place I call High School, the place where I spend the next 7 hours wanting to get home.

I maneuver my way through the people, you have Brittany and Chad making out against the lockers. You have Stephanie and Chloe gossiping about Stefan's last party. You have the group of sluts standing by the boy's bathroom. And you have the job standing by the girls bathroom waiting for their girlfriends to come out so they can suck their faces before they go to class.

I approached the shiny metallic red locker and put in my combination. Once it's open I grab my textbooks and head on to Spanish class.

I take my seat in the middle of the room, I can't stand being in the front and I can't stand sitting in the back.

the teacher approached the board and made the announcement that we had a new student.

and as if on cue, the boy walked in.

he had the most beautiful brown hair and the brightest blue eyes. he wore black and red striped shirt with a denim jacket.and black skinny jeans with rips on knees. he had the classic black vans that everyone in the dumo of a town had, but for some reason it didn't get on my nerves. Most people in this town have that fake skater look or that fake bad boy look. but it's suited of him.

he said his name and his voice was like angels singing. He had the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. It was deep but soft at the same time. he took a seat, cross from me. and the teacher told us to get out our textbooks and the lesson began.

throughout the entire lesson I couldn't get him off my mind. And I have no idea why. I just met this kid and I'm already falling for him. And I don't even know if he's gay or bi or even pan.

I look down at my skirt and played with my blonde hair.

apart from his skater look, I on the other hand was wearing a black skater skirt for the Misfits t-shirt, some fishnets, and a lovely pair of bright red Converse the high-top kind. I kind of I'm gender-fluid if you think about it. I wear girls clothes and guys clothes, it just depends on my mood.

((word count 407))

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