The Death on October 30th

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I hoped I would be dead on Halloween morning.

But my actions couldn't wait.

Grabbing the bottle beside my bed, I dumped the purple pills in my hand.


32 magical purple pills.

Without hesitation, I pour them into the palm of  my pale hand.

I throw my head back, taking in the pills. Then drinking a glass of water.

Getting up, I place my note on my bed. and making my way to the roommates empty rooms, I place their letters were the eye can see.

I walk to my room and walk into the conjointed bathroom.

I plug up the drain and turn on the water. I let the tub fill up while I take care of something else.

I reach behind the bathroom mirror and pull out the small blades.

I turn off the water and climb in. I roll up my sleeves and place the ice cold blade to my skin.

I make deep lines in my pale skin.

Setting the box beside the tub, I submerge my body inside the water.

A breath releases itself from my pink lips as the cold water meets open skin.

A feeling that I've yearned for.

I go completely under and hold my breath.

Seeing black, I have finally reached my goal.

I take my last breathe before being completely submerged in the darkness.


The roommates and I come home from a filming trip.

Sammy didn't want to come, he felt sick.

My poor baby, the guys and I decided to stop by and pick up some soup.

"Baby, we're home."


"Maybe he's sleeping?" Corey said.

I nod and walk up to the room, and the roommates walk to their rooms.

I look in the bed, and notice his absence.

I notice a piece of paper and read. My face turns pale as waterfalls threatened to fall from my eyes.

Running to the bathroom, I scream in terror.

Roommates pile in and sob. We pull him out and I hold his ice cold body and cry.

Once of the roommates call an ambulance and shortly after we see a black body bag being placed in the back of the ambulance.

Samuel John Golbach.
Born- November 27, 1996
Died- October 31, 2018.
An influencer to all, a loving boyfriend, a best friend, a son, a social media star, and a role model to multiple children.

He's gone. And now, it's my turn.

I pull the trigger and fall to the ground limp.

Word count- 418.

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