Runaway love.

624 22 9

We are in love, madly in love.

We've put everything into each other.

We love every inch of each other with every ounce of our body.

But we've delt with some much and can't take it anymore.

The hate, disappointed friends and family, we can't do it.

"We're going to see the world Sammy."

we packed everything, clothes, shoes, everything.

We loaded up the tiny red car with all of our treasures.

Soon enough we left, no trace of our foot prints.

No one knew.

When we picked out certain memories with our roommates, they seemed to fade away in our palms.

Who were theses people? we can't remember or even make out their faces.

We danced in the metaphorical rain and ran around the world, forgetting about our past.

Making new lives for ourselves.

New friends.

New fans.

New memories.

We kept running, and it's our new life.

Running for a new life.

We had no other places to go.

Lord takes us home, takes us to a new home.

"Home were we belong, Colbear, home is wherever you are."

We listened to surroundings.

To the ocean.

The wind.

We looked up at the sky, as it started to cry.

Rain fell from the heaven.

And we danced.

Danced together, the way it should be.

The way it will be, forever.

"I feel alive and I can't complain.''

word count- 232.

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