A long time ago

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A long time ago, we were strangers

A long time ago, we didn't associate with each other.

Along time ago, if I wore a frown or a smile, it never crossed your mind to ask why.

A long time ago, I didn't care to learn your name or anything about you.

And then, something changed

When Mrs.Fester made us partners in science, my whole life was turned around.

Suddenly, you were my friend, my pal, my top priority.

And then, a little thing called love happened.

I always knew I loved you, and I could and never would stop.

I took you on a couple dates, I asked you out.

we dated for days, those days turn into weeks, those weeks turned to months, and those months turned to years.

and those years went by in the blink of an eye, and then I realized you were the one.

I bought a ring, set up a proposal, and asked you.

I still remember the smile and the tears of joy in you eyes.

We picked everything out.

And now we are here.

I'm saying my vowels right now.

and let me just say, I love you from the tip of your nose to your toes. I love every ounce of you. To the moon and back and a thousand times.

I am so happy to call you my lawfully husband. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

word count- 246

word count- 246

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