you now know

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it's almost the end of the year and i havent told him.

i haven't told the one person i love the most that i like him.

its currently 6:23 at night and im trying to think of ideas to tell him.

its only december 8th, and waiting till christmas is going to take forever.

not to mention if i give him a gift of me saying i like him, it would have to meanings.

1) i like him.

and 2) coming out to the house mates.

i need to come out to them first, but how?

thats it.

i drove to target and bought everything rainbow, to clarify anything that's not jojo siwa or anything for kids 5 and under.

i then went to amazon and etsy, ordering anything and everything i wanted that related to my sexuality. and hit express delivery.

the next day everything came in, i decorated the entire room. ceiling to floor, decked out in rainbow.

i called the roommates to my room.

"wait, wait, wait." Jake said, "dude this is great. im so proud." he smiled and hugged me and i hugged back.

"dude thats great, im happy you trusted us." Corey said gently punching my left shoulder.

"congratulations! im so happy for you Sammy." devyn smiled and gave me a side hug, which i politely hugged back.

"so proud of you sammy." kat stated, smiling widely.

"that's amazing sam." Aaron said smiling.

"thanks for coming out to us, we're so happy for you." elton said.

its at this point i realized two things

1) where's colby?

and 2) i was crying.

"aw Sammy don't cry, we accept you." Kat said hugging me.

which started a group hug.

"thank you guys so much, you don't know how much this means to me." i smiled and wiped my eyes.

at that moment, Colby and Brennen came home.

they walked to my room.

"hey sam, i have something to tell yo-" he was cut off by looking up from his phone, him and Brennen taking in the looks of the room.

"Congrats sam." Brennen smiled and gave me a bro-hug.

i didnt want to be rude, so i gave one back.

"Thanks Bren." i said.

"so im not the only gay one in the house?" Colby spoke shocked.

"i guess, we never knew you were dude." elton spoke.

"hm, yeah, how come you never told us?" corey said.

"i was going to, thats uh, that's why Brennen is here." he said scratching the back of his neck.

brennen kind of shifted from foot to foot, and colby just kind of stood there.

the room was full of awkwardness and confusion.

"are you going to elaborate or?" devy said, breaking the silence.

"oh uh yeah, guys, this is my boyfriend brennen." colby said and grabbed brennens hand.

their hands intertwined and thats when tje pieces connected.

"you two are a thing?" i choked out.

they nodded.

"yeah, we have been for two weeks." colby said while brennen nodded.

"oh, that's great." i forced out with a fake smile.

the two smiled, "Thanks sam. and im proud of you for coming out, i know how hard it is." i smile.

i nodded. "thanks, but can you guys leave? i have a video to edit." i said, trying not to sound rude.

the roomates nodded and went their own ways.

i walked to the door and locked it.

i took the sd card from the camera, amd started the video, I edited as little as possible and then uploaded it.

i grabbed my jacket and keys, leaving my phone on the desk.

i walked to the door.

"Sammy?" corey said.


"where are going?" he said stepping out of the kitchen.

"just to Target." i smiled fakely, he nodded and i walked out.

i walked to my car and drove to the quiet part of L.A

"well i guess i need to find a new person to fall head over heels for." i sighed out loud.

"i really liked colby but its obvious that its only one sided. all of my other friends have probably seen the video, so that's good i guess."

i layed on the hood of my car and stared at the sky.

and started to think.

"Scotty. that's who. im head over heels for him, and he recently came out as gay, so maybe, just maybe I have a chance." i thought.

i got home and got the bags from Target, holding useless items i didnt need, but it needed to look like i went there.

i walked to my room and picked up my phone.

"a message from scotty?" i read aloud snd opened it.

"a message from scotty?" i read aloud snd opened it

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i smiled to myself and plugged up my phone.

i change into comfy sweats and some Scotty merch.

i smile to myself.

word count- 808

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