Salty Kisses

564 19 2

Smut I guess
Word count- 501

Ah the beach, such a lovely place. Beautiful waves, unique shells, amazing photos. I hate the beach, with a fiery passion.

"Colby, of all the places in LA, you take me to a beach?"

"Babyboy, it's okay. I'm going show you how to love the beach."

I blushed at the comment and nickname choice.

"I, uh, okay." I replied.

Once we set up our towels and such,  the boiling heat started to hit me.

"Sammy don't forget the sunscreen. I don't need my baby to burn."

Colby started putting sunscreen on me, starting at my back and making his way to my face.

"Tsk,  silly me. I need to aim better." He smirked.

"Wh- huh?"

"I got it all by your mouth." He giggle, rubbing in the sunscreen.

"Colby, I'm not trying to have people think we had sex on the beach."

"Oh? But how will anyone know?"

I looked at him, confused.
He picked me and rushed to the ocean.

Once we were about waist deep he looked at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Making you love the beach." He smirked.

He pulled mine and his trunks down, slowly lining himself up with my hole.

In a matter of seconds he shoved his cock inside me. Struggling to keep in my moans, Colby looked at me.

"It's okay babyboy let it out, look around. No one is here." He stated thrusting in and out.

The sound of the waves and slapping skin would be enough to send anyone over edge.

He started to go faster, and my moans became more and more audible  by the second.

Colby slithered his hand to my own cock, and slowly started the jerk it off.

The sensation was so heavenly. He sped up, more and more until I couldn't take it.

He pulled out.
"Go under and suck." He stated.

I go under the water and place my pink lips around his girth.

I swirl my tongue around his cock. Tonguing the slit.

With in in seconds he released in my mouth, and he pulled me up to watch me swallow.

After I swallowed he looked at me.

"Good job baby. Now let's take care of you." He smirked, grabbing my cock and rapidly jerking me off.

My eyes rolled back and my head shot back.

He sped up his hand and his strokes got faster and shorter.

"Let it all go baby boy." The words rolling off his tongue so effortlessly, within seconds I released.

He pulled his hand out and gave it a lick.

"Salty." He smirked, pulling up our trunks

He grabbed my waist and kissed my lips, slowly moving to my neck.

He pulled away, only for me to do the same.

I kissed his jawline and neck.

"Mmh salty."

"So babyboy, how do you feel about the beach?" He smirked.

"As long as I'm here with you, it's heavenly...daddy."

He slapped my ass and kissed my neck.

"Exactly how it should be."

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