Chapter 16

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I have nothing to say, enjoy the chapter folks.

        He watched her as she flew away from him and stood there until he no longer saw her glowing wings in the distance. "I didn't want you to leave," he whispered to himself before going back into the library. The moment he was inside, he felt a sense of relief as the library's form of poison left him. He found himself thinking of (y/n) again because of it.

        She had come close to breaking the library's enchantment, but her remedies wasn't good enough. Finding ways to break that spell was the one thing that she would do with more diligence than in anything else she did for him. Add did not care about that anymore though. With her gone, he couldn't hope to find a way to break the library's spell.

        That was the least of his problems though because now he couldn't get samples of far away nasods without her help. He also wouldn't have anyone to talk to about his new finds or major successes. (Y/n) helped him more than he realized she did.

        With a sigh, Add went back to his lab and prepared to go after her. His reason being that he actually needed her so that he could continue his studies. In his mind he saw no other logical explanation, but he felt that there was something more to it despite what he waa constantly telling himself.

        Just before he could actually do anything to prepare for travel, the radar in his lab began to blare its emergency alarm. It only did this when more then twenty red dots appeared at one time. Something was most definitely wrong and Add knew it must have had something to do with (y/n). Perhaps her leaving the library triggered something for an enemy somewhere. He quickly turned on the library's defense systems and headed out with his dynamos ready to attack.

        In all honesty, he hadn't expected an attack to occur so soon after (y/n) left, but it did. Despite that, he felt that he was still prepared for it. Just as he rose to the surface, Add was met by a self-fighting battle. The library was holding out against the many shadow figures that flooded in from nearly every direction. Add smirked at the small challenge that it was for him.

        Without hesitation he went into battle and brought down his attackers with ease. These things, whatever they were, were proving to be weak. The saying "strength in numbers" was overrated if applied to this particular group of shadowed beings. It could have been that Add was being supported by the defense system that the library had, but he didn't think that was the case.

         It wasn't long before they were all nearly wiped out. Add had just finished off another one when they all began to retreat. "About time," he said with a sigh as a bored expression replaced the one of irritation that was just there. Add was about to head back inside the library when a sudden attack was launched at him. He swiftly avoided the attack and several others that were being launched at him by an unseen force.

        "You're pretty good aren't you? Might you be the one that I saw with Mitsu's host in that dream that I watched?" a voice said from nearby. Add whirled around to find no one there. "Oh, you won't be able to see me unless I allow you to or unless I take my physical form which makes this game far more interesting," the voice said from behind him.

        "Mari," Add whispered once he guessed the source of the voice. It was bad enough that he didn't know much about Mitsu, and now the mysterious Mari was here. Add knew only two things about her. She was related to Mitsu, and she was likely there in search of both Mitsu and (y/n).

        "Game? What makes you think this is a game?" Add said as he stood still and waited for the source of Mari's voice so that he could strike. Instead, a flash of white light formed right in front of him and knocked him back.

        "Oh did you think that I wouldn't see through your little plan. I've been studying human behavior patterns for years. I'm sure I would be able to notice a simple little trick such as the one you just tried to pull," Mari said. Before Add could get up, the still invisible Mari pinned him down by his neck, choking him. "You have two options. You tell me where Mitsu and her host are or I kill you and find them myself," Mari's voice sounded in his ear as a whisper.

        Add didn't like the fact that this Mari character was trying to blackmail him, so he used his own electrical restraint on himself causing the jolting electricity to flow through both Mari and himself. He was quickly released from Mari's grip, and he shut the device off and gasped for air since being choked and shocked took away a lot of his air.

        "You're clever, I'll admit that, but I'm not done with you. I know that you know where she is, so you're going to tell me or else," Mari said from somewhere in front of him. That's when he realized that she actually couldn't find them. The last lead that Mari had on Mitsu and (y/n)'s location must have been the library.

        "You really can't find them without me can you?" Add said as he stood and readied his dynamos for an attack. Although he couldn't see Mari's reaction to his words, he could tell that he was right since she remain quiet. A blinding light formed in front of him and a woman in all white appeared. Her hair was white, her dog ears were white, her dog tail was white, but her eyes were black and contained evil.

        "You figured me out. Guess it's game over now, but for me the game has just begun," she said with a smile.

        "You won't get any information from me. I'm not your toy, and I'm not someone to mess with," Add said as he glared at Mari. He was slightly surprised when she flinched which reminded him of how (y/n) would still flinch every now and then when he glared at her. His new priority was keeping her safe.

        Despite his thoughts telling him that he didn't actually care for her, he knew that he did, and if something were to happen to her, he just might lose himself. "We'll see how long you last compared to all of the other human's that I've broken," Mari growled.

And now you know who Mari is I guess. Don't worry, you'll know more about yourself's past in a little bit. Until next time folks!

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