Chapter 44

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        I almost fell out of Harry's bed when the alarm went off. How did I end up sleeping at the edge of his bed? how?

        "Ugh, we need to get up" I groaned while nudging Harry in his peaceful sleep. It's about damn time we drive back to London and stay there for a very long time, I'm gonna miss Cheshire, all of it but I don't know If I'll miss my own home.

        "Is it monday already?" he whined. Ugh. He's shirtless again, I hate it when he's shirtless, I'm still a girl and I'd be lying if I tell you that he's not hot because he is totally hot, I just don't know why I am attractive to him...Why am I thinking like this? I should never think like that. Gross

        So much has happened in one month, first I got a very exciting new from Ben that he did get Mr. dark and mysterious. second, Charlotte came by and gave me a very sweet slap in the cheeks and a few hurtful words. and last is that I spent a holiday with them, which is very touching. I received a christmas gift from dad and Aidan, just those two.

        "El, go take a bath you stink, and please brush your teeth. I really hate your morning breath" he said to me acting like he can really smell me, what a big jerk. 


        "Good day Everyone! As you all know we picked every single one of you to star on our first ever movie with Ms. Eleanor Calder!" Morgan enthusiastically announced to them, I smiled a bit at them, Harry waved at me... along with Louis.

        "Hi,yeah. I'm Eleanor and welcome to Winston-Spurlock Acting Camp!" I failed to sound as jolly as the two... Okay, I am so lame, this is my first time doing this! and heck, Zayn's watching me like I'm a watched pot. From time to time, I smile at his direction. It's awkward. The vocal coach is not here,yet so we're trying to break the ice. Ben and Morgan's inside the booth something. and I'm the only one here who's in charge. 

        All of them were probably bored, and oh my god Little Mix is sitting with us. Why am I noticing this just now? Perrie Edwards just smiled at me. I heard that she's dating this dancer boy, I forgot his name.

        "Okay why don't we introduce ourselves? I will start" I cut their chattering. All of their attention were on me. I smiled sweetly again.

        "I'm Eleanor, and I'm from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire and I was uhh.. you know what? Enough of me. Why don't we talk about you? I mean you're the actors and actresses here!" I said, trying to hold back my tears. I was about to talk about the family that I had but then bullshits happen all the time.

        Harry cleared his throat and walked past me and signalled me that he will do the talking,I mouthed thanks to him and sat beside his dear friend Tomlinson

        "My name's Harry Styles and I'm also from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. I graduated at University of St. Gregory and now I work at a bakery every weekend and I've been chashing my dreams for the past four years and now here I am, living in it"

        one by one, they all stood up, sharing a little bit about themselves, I didn't know that Liam auditioned at the X-Factor years ago, but he was eliminated because he's too young to compete on that blah blah blah. Louis, he's a little funny he's not bad at all and he's really friendly.

        I smile at every person who steps on the mini stage.

        and Zayn finally came on stage, earning a big grin from me.

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