Chapter 16

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I never knew how hard it is to let go of someone so important.I feel like I missed an important puzzle piece and I can't be complete without it.

That moment came,I had to do what they wanted me to do: break up with her and don't let her ruin this engagement thing that I had with Perrie. Management wants me to marry her,even just for a year. Because of I broke the contract that I signed,they will file a case against me.

Maybe I'm a coward,I let her go...and the moment she went out of the door,I realized how important Eleanor is to me.I realized how stupid I am for doing that...I realized how much I love her,I feel like I can't live without her.

I even wrote a song for her,2 or 3,maybe? I'm the worst boyfriend ever,or an ex-boyfriend. I know I love her,but I hurt her,and left her. What kind of a man am I?

I looked at her,she's laughing over this Yorkshire Tea commercial,cuddling her dog Pepper.While she's covered with the duvet because it's too cold tonight.She's making me watch The Breakfast Club,she wants me to see what her ideal date is.

"It was one of the best movies I have ever seen,you should watch this.Gemma recommended this to me" she said proudly.hugging Pepper tightly.Is it bad that I'm getting all jealous because she's hugging the dog instead of me?

"You know what?you don't need to watch that"I said to her,turning off the television,she looked at me...glared,rather.and threw the pillow at me. "What an ass,Zayn" she shouted,I jumped on the bed,and attacked her. Hugging her.

"You don't need to watch that because I'll make the best date everyone wants,I will make everyone so jealous and I will make them wish they were mine" I boasted and she kissed me on the cheeks.It was the sweetest kiss ever.

Up until now, I still can't believe I had her...She was the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for,but I blew it.I let her go.That was the biggest mistake I've ever done...She was perfect,her imperfections made her the right .

Smiling to myself...Dee,my eldest sister barged inside my room. "Wow,fame really changed my brother..I think I should send him to a mental institute" she said loudly,touching the walls which I just finished spraypainting.

"First off,there's a sign on my door big enough for everybody to read,even Safaa.and Second,the walls are still don't touch it" I said to her,she checked her hands and there's a wee bit spray paint on it. she tried wiping it off but it got worse.

"I'll just wash this off later,idiot...anyways,I talked to Eleanor" she told me. I heard Eleanor's name, is it right? or I'm just hearing things right now?

I suddenly stood up,and my things fell. "Eleanor?why did you talked to her?" my voice was shaky and it's obvious that I'm hiding something.I cleared my throat and sat up again.Dee was just laughing at me. "Please,you're too transparent right now Zedd. I know all about you two. Even before I talked to her... Chill,I just want to tell you that I support you on this one babba. I love you and I hope you'll do the right thing"

That was the sweetest thing my sister ever said to me.I smiled at her and hugged her. "What should  I do now?You don't know how bummed she was when we saw her.I know she's hurt and she even made me stop in the middle of the road! Good thing I was driving the BMW." I told her.

Part of me wanted to yell at her for talking to Eleanor. but mostly,I want to thank her for supporting me and for not telling this to mum. She's a tattle tale. But she really is supporting me for what I am doing.

"Go talk to her,be a man. and if you want me to help you...I will do that. but if it involves money,you're own your own" she said,I just nodded in response.

Maybe she's right,my sister is always right and I hate it.

"I'm gonna go,should I talk to her now?" asking questions about love with my sister was never comfortable. She groaned before answering me. "Zedd!Just go!do what you think is right.You're a grown up now"

I pulled my coat in one of my closet. This was Eleanor's favorite trench coat of mine,she always borrow this and her scent is still here,I feel like I'm with her right now. I told my mother that I'm going out and I will be back home before she know it.

My mind was filled with thoughts on what should I tell her when she sees me.

"Zayn!Look!There's a shooting star,c'mon!make a wish!" she screamed,while she makes her wish with her eyes closed...I was looking at her...

"What did you wished for?" she asked me after she made a wish. I wrapped my arms arounf her, "You're everything that I wished for,and I couldn't ask for more" she looked at me,blushing,she plants kisses around my face.

It's summer in Los Angeles, it was hot and everything was just perfect. Of course,Louis' with us,as well as Liam.

I woke up with a breakfast on my bed...Eleanor made this for me,she made Blueberry pancakes,one of my favorite food. and a milk tea. "I want to kiss you so bad, know,morning breath so..I'm gonna go to the bathroom before I kiss you" I said to her,she giggled and still kissed me on my lips.

"I don't care about morning breath Zayn,as long as I can kiss the man that I'll love for the rest of my life" she stated,my heart beats fast.

She accepted me for who I really am,not for the fame and my looks. She's been very patient about everything. She's watching me eat the pancake,she even tried capturing a candid shot of me eating.After I ate,I kissed her.

That's my hobby when I'm with her,I kiss her because I want her to feel the love that I have for her.

"I'm going back to Manchester tomorrow" she declared,I stopped what I am doing.I don't want her to go,not again.I'm gonna miss her again and it's hard for me to do things without her...I want to see her everyday so I know that she's okay.

"Watch out!" I yelled to the taxi driver who changed his lane,and he overtake. I was in a hurry, I want to talk to her as soon as possible.

I parked my car,just right outside of their house. My hand is shaking, Sweats all over my face. This is it...I knocked on the door three times but nobody's here,I guess? I waited for minute before I knocked again.

Maybe that's fate's way of telling me that I screwed everything up I should just go home.

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