Blaming Myself

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Zendaya was practically tearing out the pages of her book, tears once again threatening to slide down her cheeks. There had to be a spell in here somewhere! There had to be! Zendaya couldn't believe she'd just let Trevor grab him like that!

If he wasn't dead already she'd- wait. No. She couldn't pin this all on Trevor. Flicking through pages, she couldn't get these thoughts out of her head. She was the one who shot the damn tire.

"No, wrong spell. Wrong page."

She was the one who stood there while Tom was screaming for help Wrong spell, wrong page. She was the one who didn't warn him about Trevor.
"Wrong page."




"WRONG!" Zendaya screamed in rage, throwing the book at a wall, and hitting a bookshelf. Books, as well as shattered to the floor. A dusty old miscellaneous objects clattered and shattered to the floor. A dusty old picture fell last, gliding along the floor slightly, stopping about half a meter away from Zendaya. She looked at it, picking it up. She examined the picture slowly, realizing it was a picture of her and a tall blonde girl with really curly hair.

Zendaya looked...different in it, too. Slightly happier, not as much darkness around her eyes. It must've been old since she wasn't wairing the amulet that fave her those wait a minute. When was this taken? Zendaya then had a short flashback.

The picture was taken few days before Trevor died. Which means... that must be Christina. A small smirk appeared upon her face. Shame she went out while her and Belcalis were on a massacre. Christina was a good friend to her, though, and Zendaya appreciated it, but now that's in the past.

Zendaya then stopped her thoughts realizing something... huge. If Christina got killed during the massacre then that means she's in the Underworld, which also means... Christina found Tom.

If she gets to deep into his head, he might never come back...

If she gets to deep into his head, he might never come back

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THANK YOU themortalmoon06 FOR HELPING ME!!

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