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Luke's POV

What is he doing here? He moved to Brisbane!

"Oh. I-I didn't recognize you," I stuttered. I didn't want to. I scoffed mentally. "Yeah. I dyed my hair a couple years ago. So, how you been?" He said. "Fine. Me and Calum share an apartment a couple blocks from here. I-I mean we don't live together but in the same house. If that makes any sense," I stammered. He chuckled. "Cool. I got back from Brisbane four months ago. Well. I guess I'll see you around town then," He waves and walks to the check out.

When he leaves, I kick the display. My toe hurt, but I ignored it. I grabbed 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' and 'Catching Fire' and paid the rental fee. I tossed the DVDs on the passenger's seat and sped home. I was so pissed. I hated Michael and I still do. He's a complete asshole.

I unlock the door and notice Calum isn't home. "Perfect," I grumble. I put the keys on their hook and throw the movies onto the couch. I see a napkin with writing on it in the middle of the coffee table.

Went out for a date.

Be back soon.

- Calum

Great. I'm alone. I grab a can of soup, pour it in a bowl, and put in the microwave. I popped 'Catching Fire' into the DVD set and hit play. I basically drank the soup within two minutes. I laid on the couch, not even paying attention to the movie. Michael Clifford. That bastard. I used to hate him, and I still do.

Michael's POV

What an ass!

A guy runs into me and takes like a whole minute to conjure up the simplest word ever. 'Sorry'. I mean who does that? I know who, Luke Hemmings. The rudest fucker you could ever meet.

I awkwardly ended the conversation, grabbing 'Hunger Games' and paid the fee. I drove home, trying to not think of him. I don't why he was all I could think about. I mean, I hate his guts. At least, I think I do.

I arrive home and see Ashton asleep on the couch. I peck his lips softly and drop the movie on his stomach. "Hey babe," He says. "Nice to see you were waiting for me," I joke. "Mikey. You know I'm always tired when no one's here," He whines. I roll my eyes. "That's not even a valid reason for falling asleep on the couch. Its only 5:45," I chuckle. "So what'd you get?" He asked, picking up the movie. "Hunger Games. Yay, I've always wanted to see teenagers kill each other," He laughed.

"Is there something wrong with that?" I ask. "I thought you were gonna get a cute movie. A romance movie, so we could cuddle," He says. "We can still cuddle. We'll just be seeing people murder each other than people make out with each other," I say. He laughs. I pop in the movie and sit on the couch. Ashton puts his head on my chest. I wrap my arm around him securely and kiss his head.

He constantly covered his eyes, and cried when Rue died. I had see the movie before, so it didn't affect me like it did to him. Towards the end of the movie, Ashton fell asleep on me. I smiled at him. "Ash. Wake up, the movie's over," I say, nudging him. He slowly wakes up. "Stay here with me, I'm comfortable," He says. "No way. If I'm gonna sleep with you, its going to be in my bed, not the couch. "Please," He whines.

I look at him. He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. "Fine," I sigh. I grab a blanket and throw it over the both of us. I curl into a little ball and rest myself on him. You would've thought it'd be the other way around, but it isn't. He fell asleep first. I kissed the bottom of his chin and then fell asleep upon his stomach.

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