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Luke's POV

Ashton walked past me. I ignored him. My eyes wandered all over Michael's body, without my concern. They ended, locking with his. Maybe there was something that was keeping me from leaving. We just stood there. I kept telling myself to leave, but my mind wouldn't listen.

"A-Are you okay?" I ask. He nods. "Do you want to talk about it?" He shakes his head no. "Look Michael. I know you're thinking that this is all my fau- "Because it is! If you hadn't kissed him, then Ashton wouldn't have broke. This isn't about my petty love life anymore. You could've seriously hurt him!" He exploded.

"I'm sorry Michael. And I've said 'I'm sorry' God knows how many times today and no one seems to believe it. But I'm really sorry!" I rant. I look down, feeling heat come to my face. "I'm sorry Michael," I mumble. I turn to leave, and he doesn't stop me.

But we hate each other. Why would he? Why would I expect him to?

Michael's POV

Luke turned on his heel to leave. I let him. There was nothing more I had to say. Nothing more he had to say. As I watched him walk away, all I could remember was my dream. I love you”. It was running all over my mind. But I didn't want to have to ever see him again.

"Luke wait," I said, shocked with myself. He stopped and turned. "Did you want me to say it again?" He asks, kicking the floor softly. "I think we should talk," I say quietly. He walks towards me. "Okay," He says. I let him in and we awkwardly sit on the couch.

Opposite sides of the couch, might I add.

"So what do you want to talk about?" He says, looking everywhere but at me. I clear my throat. "I guess its been a while since I've had a real conversation with anyone except Ashton," I say, smiling. He chuckles nervously. "Look Michael. I honestly had no idea you two were together. I swear. He said you guys were roommates so I-

"That's not what I want to talk about. You said yourself, you've said ‘I'm sorry God knows how many times’. You don't have to apologize anymore," I say. He twiddles his thumbs and looks at the floor. "Well," He clears his throat, "We've never talked before. Why don't we just get to know each other," He suggested. I shrugged. "Why not."

So we talked for about an hour, just talking about the things we both liked. If someone had walked in on us, it would've seemed like we'd been best friends for ages. We weren't sitting on opposite sides of the couch anymore. No, we were right next to each other.

"I've never seen the nice side of Michael before," He joked. I rolled my eyes. "Well, I've never seen Luke be so funny," I say. "Because you weren't listening to any comments made by yours truly," He winked. "You really are a cheeky bastard aren't you?" I smile. "You could say that." We chatted more about random crap that just popped into our heads.

Luke was at my home, in my apartment, and we didn't even try to strangle each other. That was pretty impressing to me. It was around 4, that he stood up and decided to leave. "Maybe we can hang out again. It got a lot of things off my mind," I say. "Yeah. I, uh, I-I can text you if you want," He nods. I smile. I told him my number and he entered it. Hm, never thought I'd say that and be referring to Luke.

"So. I'll text you," He said. "Yeah." We stood there for a couple minutes in an awkward silence. Then, without my conscious permission, I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

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