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Ashton's POV

I eyed Calum, covering my face with a couch cushion just under my eyes. "What are you doing?" He asked, holding back laughter. "You have a way with ruining things," I joke. He rolls his eyes and attempts to pull the cushion down. He fails.

"I do not ruin things," He scoffs. I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah. Okay, sure," I say. "Belt up," He smirks, hitting the pillow. I lower it to stuck out my tounge, but cover my face up again quickly. "So. You need any help finding a unit?" He asks. "If you want," I shrug.

I fixed my hair and Calum took a shower and changed. "So. You excited?" He asks. "I've bought a flat before. Just not by myself," I say. He raises his hands in a surrender position. "I was just asking," He smirks, kissing my cheek.

We drove around town, in my car, looking at places. "Ashton, I don't want you to live too far from me," He whined. I started to laugh, covering my dimples from him. "Why?" I ask. "So I don't have to go far to see you. There's a couple units available in my complex. You cou-

"No Calum! I don't want to be in the same building as Luke or Michael," I say. Calum's smile drops. "Why? Michael, yeah, he's your ex. But Luke?" He says, confused. "Because," I sigh, "Because Luke is the reason Michael's my ex." Calum puts his hand over mine. "Sorry Ashton. I didn't know. I didn't mean to upset you, love," He apologized.

I shrug it off. "How were you to know about that. It all just happened so fast," I said. He smiled weakly. "You're okay now," He said. We drove around for another hour, looking at the buildings, but everything was way out of my budget. "Maybe I could consider a flat in your building," I sighed. "Really?" He exploded eagerly. I laughed. "Really," I smile.

We drove back to his complex and he ran inside to the landlord's office. He did this all while I was shutting the door of my car. I walked in and the landlord offered to show me a couple ones that were available.

There was one on the second floor that I really liked, and after an hour or two of looking and paperwork, it was mine. All I had to do was get my things from Michael's place and move in. I was really excited. Apparently, who ever had lived there first left a couch. That was basically all there was in the flat. "Look at you Ashton. Living on your own. You're smiling so big," Calum cooed, pinching my cheeks.

Calum's POV

Ashton looked at his new unit, smiling huge. "Look at you Ashton. Living on your own. You're smiling so big," I smiled, pinching his cheeks. He laughed and held my hands. "Thanks for suggesting this Calum, just promise you won't tell Luke I live here. Not until you come out at least," He said.

"Not until I come out? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, acting hurt. "Let's just say it's gonna be a while before Luke finds out I live in the same building as he does," He says, stifling laughter. "Whatever," I scoff. Ashton wraps his arms around me. "Oh please. You and your pride. You wouldn't tell Luke for a hundred bucks!" He says. "I'll do it for two hundred," I smirk.

Ashton presses his lips to mine, holding my head and pressing my waist against his. One of my hands rests on his forearm, the other on his wrist. I've been kissing this boy a lot today haven't I? Finally, I pull back. "250?" He starts to laugh. I couldn't help but admire his dimples.

"You need me to help you move in?" I ask. "Maybe. But when I get my things from Michael, I'd prefer to go alone," He says. "Why?" I ask. "Because I don't want him to see you. Michael's very jealous, and he didn't want me to find my own place, but I did."

I nod understandingly. "Okay, but if you need help. Just tell him I'm a friend," I say. I go back up to my unit, Ashton follows. Luke still wasn't back, but it was only one, and his shift ends at five, so. "Now I only have to go down one floor to see you," I charm.

"Geez, clingly aren't you?" Ashton jokes. "Very." I wink. Ashton smiles, stepping towards me, hugging me tight and nestles his head into my shoulder. He mumbles something that I can't quite hear. "Hmm?" I ask, confused. "I-I love you." He repeats himself, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

He said ‘I love you’. He really said it. I let him continue to kiss me, not hesitant to kiss back.I ran my fingers through his hair, as his smiled during our kiss. I couldn't let him go. I didn't want to. Finally, I pulled back, needing a breath. "I love you more," I say. He smiles, showing his irresistible dimples.

We sat on the couch, my arms around his upper body. I kissed the top of his head. "Ash. I think this is going to be one of the few times you're not taller than me," I smirk. "Shut it, Hood."

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