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Michael's POV

I watch as Ashton's car left the parking lot and drove off. My eyes welled up with tears. I grabbed a pillow off the couch and screamed into it. Like I was in pain, like I was being stabbed. I screamed into the pillow, my face becoming heated with the air.

I scream and cry and cry and scream. I wanted to pinch myself awake from a nightmare. "Why!" I shout, "Why!" I was almost positive the neighbors thought I was mad for being this loud when I was by myself. But at this point, I didn't give a fuck about what anyone says about me. I'm heartbroken, and I'm pretty sure they have too at one point.

I lie face down into the couch cushion and sobbed. "Ashton," I whine. "Ashton. I'm sorry!" I cry. I pick up my face to breathe and attempt to dry my cheeks, but they keep getting soaked with tears. I bury my face into the cushion again and scream at the top of my lungs.

I sit up and try to dry my eyes again. It didn't work, but at least I could see. I tear down any pictures of me and Ashton. Some end up shreded with busted frames. Others lie unharmed under beds of broken glass. I throw my phone down, not caring if it broke or not.

I shove a lamp off the stand and admire my mess. I glance at myself in the mirror. My hair was faded and messy. My face was red in some parts and flushed in others. My eyes were watery and around them made me look like I lost a fist fight. My cheeks were tear stained. My shirt was soaked with tears. Glass was shattered all around me. Why was this happening? Two words:

Luke. Hemmings.

Luke grabbed his arm. Luke made him stay. Luke had kissed. Luke made the move. Luks did everything. Luke screwed up my best relationship. Luke fucked up my life. Luke caused this.

I had accused Ashton of something he didn't do. I had made Ashton leave. I told him to leave. Maybe Luke didn't cause this, but it wouldn't have happened if that prick didn't say anything to Ashton. He didn't cause it. He just helped cause it.

Ashton's POV

I wiped my eyes as I started the car. "W-What an asshole," I grumble. I drive off. At first, I'm sure just a few hours of driving would give both of us the time we needed to cool down. But I realized that maybe he needed a day or two. He's never kicked me out before.

I stop at a small coffee shop and order a drink. As I sip it slowly, I sit down at an empty table made for two. Staring at the empty seat across from me makes me ache for Michael's embrace.

The door rings open and I look up to see Luke. He orders a drink then looks at me. "Hey Ashton. Sorry about earlier," He says. I nod and smile slightly. "No problem Luke. You didn't know," I mumble. "So how's everything going?" He asked. "It could be better," I shrug. I twiddle my thumbs. "What's wrong?" He says, clueless.

"Me and Michael got in a fight," I say. He widens his eyes. "You alright?" He asks. "Yeah. Michael just needs a few hours to cool down," I say. "Do you two fight often?" I shake my hand side to side. "Well, we do our not-so-playful banter. And every once in a while we have a big argument. But the angriest he's gotten is whenever he makes me sleep in my own room or own the couch. Michael's never kicked me out before," I say. Luke nods.

"Well. In case you need to give Michael a little more then 'a couple hours', gimme a call and we can hang out," He offers. He writes his number down on a napkin and hands it to me. I don't know where the hell he got the pen from.

"Thanks Luke. I think I'm just gonna stay here for a few hours though. I'll cal you later," I claim. He smile drips a bit, but he forces it back up. "Okay. See you around Ash," He waves awkwardly. I wave.

I sit against the wall. Maybe I should just go home with Luke. Maybe I should go back home. Michael probably thinks I'm hooking up with Luke right now. I don't know what he was thinking kicking me out of the apartment. I really miss him. But he did sound really upset when he said what he said. Maybe I shouldn't go back.

I doubt he misses me anyway.

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