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Luke's POV

Michael sat on my lap as I tried to watch the reply behind his head. "Why would you tell him that I was okay with going to talk to him?" I asked. "Luke, don't be such a baby about it. You'll be fine. Its not like your interviewing a murderer," He joked. It was around 8 o'clock, and we hadn't done anything all day. Just sitting on a couch, shirtless.

I sound like a vlogger.

"Mikey," I say. "What?" He chuckles. "I can't see behind your head," I say. He starts laughing. "Well tough luck, because I'm not moving," He winked. I pushed him off the couch, laughing when he glares at me. I wink at him. He crawls back on the couch and curls into a little ball, putting his head on my shoulder. I don't even remember the name of the movie, all I do remember was that it made us laugh.

It was around 10, and Michael went off to his bedroom. I stayed on the couch. "Luke. Aren't you coming?" He asks. "Yeah. In a bit," I say. I go to my phone and dial Calum. "Hello?" He answers. "Hey Cal," I said. "Luke! Where've you been?" He asks. "That's not important right now. Is there anything you want to inform me about?" I ask. referring to his sexuality. Calum was my best friend, and for him to not tell me he had turned really hurt. Especially since he told that doorknob before me.

"Luke, what are you talking about?" He says, cluelessly. "You and Ashton know well about what I'm talking about," I said. "Listen Luke, I didn't want to tell you unti- "Until what? You fucked the boy? Look Cal. I'm not offended that you're bisexual. I'm offended because you didn't tell me. We're best friends, why didn't you tell me," I rant. "I didn't know how," He says. I hang up without another word and connect my phone to the charger.

I waltzed into Michael's room quietly. He had fallen asleep while waiting for me. I was still mad at him for making me go to Alexander's tomorrow. But, anyway, I got under the blankets, holding him as his warm breath covered my face. I kiss his forehead and fall asleep.

I had Michael drive me home, so I could shower and change. He was very determined to go to Alexander's flat. I told him to wait outside while I did my business. I quickly showered and changed my clothes. I slowly and quietly opened the door to Calum's room. I saw him and Ashton lying asleep on the bed. Their hair was messy and the sheets were all tangled. Ashton's head was on Calum's chest. Bare chest, might I add. I narrow my eyes, even though they couldn't see me, and leave.

"Do I really have to go with you? Can't you catch up with him by yourself?" I whine. "Nope," He chuckles. Either way, I wouldn't be able to trust him with my boyfriend alone. This guy wanted my boyfriend and I would not let him have him.

Michael drives to Alex's flat. Before he knocks, I look at him. "What?" He asks. "Gimme your hand," I smile. Michael smiles and laces his fingers with mine. "C'mon," He said. He skipped his hand away from mine. I tried not to worry about Michael leaving me for Alexander, but I couldn't clear it from my mind.

"Hey Mikey!" Alexander greeted happily. "Hey Alex," Michael answered. He engulfed Michael in his arms. I looked away to hide my twitching eye. "Luke," He said. I smiled weakly. "Come in. We've got a lot of catching up to do," He said. I walked in after Michael and sat down. "So. How long have you been back from Brisbane?" Alex asked. "A while," Michael mumbled.

The rest of the time spent over there basically went like this. Then Alexander decided to pop in a movie. I excused myself to his bathroom, and just stared at my reflection. "I swear, if he tries anything with Michael, I'll snap his neck," I grumble. I stare at myself in silence for a few more seconds, then open the door.

Alexander was standing right in front of me. "Hey," He said. "What do you want?" I asked harshly. Alex bit his lip. "Back off," I say, pushing him. He grabbed my shoulder and held me close to his body. "You're one hell of a boy Lucas," He whispered into my ear. "F-Fuck off!" I said, pushing him off of me.

I stormed back to where Michael was. "Luke, what's wrong?" He asked. "Your ex-neighbor tried to seduce me," I said. "What happened?" He exclaimed. "I was leaving the bathroom, and he popped up and grabbed me. Let's go. I don't want to see this bastard anymore," I said. Michael nodded hesitantly.

We went back to Michael's flat, and laid on the couch, my arm around him. "I can't believe Alex would try something like that," He said in disbelief. "I don't want to talk about it. Okay? Let's go grab some food and get you another rental, yeah?" I said. He nods. We went to a restaurant and ordered a pizza. Afterwards, we went to the video store and rented 'X-Men: First Class'.

After the movie, it was barely 6. I looked over at Michael, sitting quietly against me. I wrap my arm around him. I bite the inside of my lip to keep me from saying anything stupid.

"Hey Lukey," Michael said. "Hm?" I looked over at him. "Let's do something crazy."

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