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Ashton's POV

We drove to Michael's flat, I don't know why I was so scared, I just was. I knocked shakily on the door. Calum rubbed my back in an attempt to calm me down. I gulped. I tested the doorknob, and to my surprise, it wasn't locked.

I open the door, slowly and quietly. Michael stands right there, eyeing Calum. He tried to be subtle about taking his hand back. "Ashton," He greeted emotionless. I wasn't to sure on how to take that. "Hey," I said awkwardly. "Wh-What are you doing here?" He asked.

I gulp. "I-I-I.... I found a new flat. And I need to get my things," I say. "What is he doing here?" Michael said, glaring at Calum. "I'm Calum. I-I'm here to help Ash...ton," Calum said. "Go ahead and get your stuff Ashton. But Calum's gotta stay out here," Michael said. "Why? He's gonna help me," I said.

"Just get your crap. Calum, I have someone that needs to talk to you," Michael said. I looked at Calum, who nodded. I walked to my old room. Basically I separated everything, because I need boxes and all that fun stuff. But I decided to just stay in there a while, because Calum obviously had some things to clarify.

Michael's POV

"Just get your crap. Calum, I have someone that needs to talk to you," I said. Ashton looked back at Calum. Calum just nodded, and Ashton walked into the unit. "Stay here," I said, as Ashton went to his room. I ran to mine, closing the door in Calum's face.

"Luke," I said. He was under the covers, because he heard the knock on the door. He saw Calum from the window. "I don't want to talk to him," He mumbled. I pulled the cover down. He readjusted himself, burying his face in the pillow. "Luke. Please. Just talk to him. For me," I begged. "I-I don't know," He mumbled, looking up at me. I put my arm around his shoulders.

"Michael, I just don't know what to say. I'm not talking to him," He grumbles, pulling the cover back up. I literally drag him out of the bed and push him out the door. "Mikey, no. Please," He whined. "Luke. He's your best friend," I say. "He was my best friend," He mumbles. "Do it for me Lukey. Please," I begged. He sighed. "Fine where is he?" He gave in.

"He's outside. And don't worry, I'll be on the other side of the door," I inform. "No. If you're making me do this, you're going to be with me," He said. "But this isn't -

"It is now," He smirked. I narrowed my eyes, but if waiting while him and Calum talked would make him go, I'll go it. "Luke!" Calum greeted. "Calum. Why didn't you tell me before?" Luke asked. "I told you. I didn't know how. I was going to though. I swear!" Calum defended.

"But you had to let the doorknob know first. Hell, you let him turn you like this!" Luke says. I look at him, sending him a look to calm down. In all honesty, I was a bit offended by him calling Ashton a doorknob. Twice.

"I'm sorry Luke. But what do you want me to say? 'I'm sorry you didn't turn me instead'?!" Calum exploded. "No. But. I-I just wanted you to tell me. Cal. I'm happy for you and Ashton. I just wanted to know. From you, not your boyfriend," Luke said. "I'm sorry Luke. But I would've told you. If Ashton hadn't told you first," Calum apologized.

"Its alright mate. Michael, can I help Ashton now?" Calum asked. "Fine," I sigh. Calum goes inside. I lean up against the closed door. Luke bites his lip, trying to hide his smile. "Well," I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. He finally exposed his smile, snaking his arms around my waist.

I was definitely the small one in this relationship.

"Thanks Mikey," He says. "For?" I smirk. "Making me talk to him," He sighed. "I know," I smile, pressing my lips to his. He rubs the side of my body. It starts to tickle me, so I pull back, fighting back laughter. "What?" He asks, running over the same spot again. "Nothing," I giggle.

Freaking giggle. What the fucking hell?!

"Ticklish, hm?" He smirks. "No," I lie. He runs over the same spot again, and I release a loud laugh. He starts to tickle me. "Stop Luke!" I say, between laughs. He stops to kiss me again. "Never do that again," I sigh. He pulls back, pressing his forehead to mine. "You never know," He winked, briefly tickling the spot again. "Idiot," I laugh.

"I wouldn't say that. But okay," He smiled. He kisses me one more time. "Can we go inside now?" He asked. I had forgotten I was in front of the door. "Maybe," I smirk, opening the door. "Michael. I'll be right back," Ashton says, leaving his room.

Ashton and Calum left and came back quickly with tons of boxes. Me and Luke helped Ashton pack up everything in his car. I gulped. Saying goodbye, even though I had moved on, wasn't going to be easy. "I-I guess you don't need me anymore, huh," I stammer. Ashton looks at me, hugging me tightly.

"Don't be a drongo. I'll always need you. I'll miss you," He said. "I'll see ya," I said. "C'mon Ash," Calum said, guiding Ashton to the car with his arm around his waist. I twitched, even though he wasn't my boyfriend anymore. "Bye Michael," Ashton waved. "Bye," I waved back. Luke and I walked back up to my flat, racing up the stairs like kids.

I panted as I walked in the room and collapsed on the couch. "You're weird," Luke laughed as he sat next to me. "Shut up," I scoffed, pushing his face away from mine. "You have the strength of a four year old," He laughed. "Whatever," I said, rolling over to my side so he couldn't see the massive smile on my face.

Luke scooted closer and kissed my forehead. "I should probably get going, I've missed a couple days of work. Can I borrow your car?" He said. I shook my head. "I'll drop you," I said. I drove him to his work and went back home.

To be honest, I was glad Ashton and I had moved in from each other. Because, I may have hated Luke, but I sure do love him now.

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