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Michael's POV

I had had a weird dream. Luke was in it. It was like he was my boyfriend instead of Ashton. I shuddered. Me and Luke could never last alone in a room for five minutes, let alone be in a relationship.

"Mikey," Ashton said quietly as he woke up. "Can you get a better movie next time?" He says. "Why don't you get one? I don't know what kind of crappy love stories you like," I say. "I don't want to, can't you go? I'll go with you," He whined. "Okay," I smiled. "I'll see you later babe," He said, grabbing his keys. "Ash," I say. "Huh?" "Those are my keys," I smile.

He looks at the keys in his hand. "Oh," He blushes. He walked over to me, and as he kissed me he placed the keys in my hand. "See you tonight," I said. He waved and left. I bathed and put on my clothes. All I could think of was Ashton running into Luke or Calum. Or me running into one of them. I don't know why I was so paranoid about meeting him again.

I don't even remember what happened that made me hate him. I just know that I wanted to him and he wanted to kill me. I went out for a drive to try and clear my mind. I stopped by a coffee shop to just think. I sat with my cup and put my earbuds in, listening to All Time Low and Secondhand Serenade.

Luke Hemmings. The name just burned my mind. I don't know what it was about him, but I just hated him. Then my phone went off. Ashton texted me.

hey mikeyy. run into anyone last nite?

That was weird. I know that Luke knew Ashton and vice versa. So if he was talking about anyone, it was more than likely Luke. I lied and told him no. My phone went off again.

then why is Luke saying he saw you??

Are you fucking serious?!? I didn't know what to say or do. What if Ashton thought I was cheating on him?!

because i dont want to to talk about him. or to him!

I was getting mad. My leg shook as the negative thoughts of what Luke could tell him multiplied in my head. I threw away the cup even though it wasn't empty and got back in the car. "I swear to God, Lucas," I mumbled, starting the car. Ashton's shift ended around three. I wished I had known that Luke was his co-worker. I pulled into the parking lot and saw him outside with Luke. I guess it was their brake. I checked my phone. I hadn't heard it go off, but he had texted me.

why? he's a cool guy

Even though all they were doing was hanging out and talking, I had this pang of jealously. It hurt like hell, but I tried my best to ignore it. I texted him.

just dont hang out with him. k babe? he's a bad influence..

I eyed them. Ashton pulled his phone out and I guess he read my message. He stood, but then Luke grabbed his arm and had him sit back down. What I would give to be able to hear that conversation.

Luke's POV

Ashton. I hadn't talked to him in a while. "Have you seen Michael? You know Michael Clifford. That badass bastard from year 9," I scoffed. He nodded. "Uh, I live with him," He mumbled. "Oh. Gee Ashton. I-I'm sorry. I mean, that's just my opinion. I didn't, um, know," I apologized awkwardly. "No. I mean, I don't live with him. Just in the same apartment," He stammered.

"But yeah, he's like my best bud," He said. Ashton smiled as I stayed quiet. "Why are you always smiling?" I asked. "I'm always happy," He admits, shrugging. I smile slightly. I've always wanted to talk to Ashton, we've worked together for a while. This is the first time we've talked since grade school.

His phone went off and he checked it. "Well, maybe we should get back to work," He said nervously. I caught his arm and pulled him back to sit down. "We have an hour for break. Its only been a couple of minutes," I say. He shrugs but stays in the seat. "So. How are you?" I ask. "Fine. I watched the Hunger Games last night and I pretty much couldn't fall asleep," He chuckled. I laughed. "I saw Catching Fire," I say.

After about ten minutes of just sitting there talking about random crap, there was an awkward silence. "Um, A-Ashton," I start. He glanced at his phone. "Huh?" He said, looking at me. I didn't say anything, all I did was kiss him. I heard a car door slam and I pulled back. It was Michael. I can't catch a goddamn break, can I!

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