Chapter 3

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Noor paced the length of her room impatiently. The family was here to see her and all this was making her very nervous. It was the first time she was going to meet someone like this and she was feeling scared, nervous and confused at the same time.

Izma knocked at her door making her jerk out of her thoughts.

"Let's go."

She nodded absentmindedly and placing her scarf on her head followed Izma out of her room.


The people seated opposite to her were looking nice and kind. Her eyes met with the person sitting right across her and the warm smile put her at ease. Naheed, the sister in law of Sarmad was discussing something with Izma while Asim was talking something with the bespectacled guy who apparently was the elder brother of Noor's suitor.

Sarmad glanced at Naheed who nodded her head and turned to Izma .

"Izma if you don't mind can Noor and Sarmad talk in private? They also need to discuss few things with each other."

Izma smiled at them and gestured her to get up and take Sarmad to the veranda.

They both reached there silently. The instant scent of flowers was soothing Noor's nerves. She didn't know what she was supposed to talk about. She had never made any conversation with a guy under these circumstances. Finally Sarmad cleared his throat.

"Asim told me you are very chirpy and talkative. I guess he lied or doesn't know you much."

She could see a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"It's not like that. Actually I have never ever met a family for my marriage proposal before and..."


He asked amused.

"Aapa has told me to shut up and don't start with my gibberish in front of you."

Laughter bubbled through his mouth. She hit her forehead and sat down on the chair.

"Well In that case I have to tell you it's not gibberish. I like people who can make any conversation lively."

She just nodded. Sarmad was a turning out to be an easy going guy. She expected a stoic man just like Asim but she was wrong here.

"Noor do you know if the marriage proposal is accepted today what will be the future of us?"

"Yes. I'll have to travel to an other city with you."

"Exactly. That's why we are hurrying up the things but I promise we'll never put you through anything you don't want. I really think we can be real good for each other. You are chirpy and I like it. Totally opposite to me. And that will definitely work between us."

She didn't say anything.

"What's your qualification though?"

Her head jerked up towards him and shoulders slumped

"I'm just a graduate."

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