Chapter 9

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Izma sighed leaning against the headboard of the bed and stroked Maheen's hair. Her baby was asking too many questions answers to which were unknown to Izma as well.

Last night she had taken a huge step. Getting Asim arrested was not a cakewalk. She was torn from within but what he did was not something to forgive. He literally destroyed Noor's whole life with his one selfish move. Izma had no clue where Noor was. If she was safe. If she was still in the clutches of those people. She had no clue. But she was determined to find out. Noor didn't deserve any of what happened to her and It was Izma's promise to herself that she would make amends for what her husband did to Noor. Come what may.

The emotional trauma had left her drained. Not even in her worst nightmare, she had thought something like this to happen. She was determined to go look for her baby sister but at the same time she was a torn and defeated wife. A wife who was wronged, betrayed and kept in dark. Asim wasn't always like this. Or may be she was wrong in reading him. Izma had no clue where things went wrong. Why Noor faced so much without any fault of her. Why life was being cruel. She knew nothing.

Placing Maheen's head on the pillow, Izma made her way towards the kitchen. She needed a glass of water to sooth her parched throat. Whole day she han't eaten anything and she didn't even want to. The miseries she were put into were enough to make her forget everything.

On her way to the kitchen, her eyes darted towards the empty and silent nooks and corners of her house. This silence wasn't soothing. It was an indication of the storm this very household went through. The storm which took everything dear to her. Everything she cherished.

She didn't know when her feet took her to the room at the far corner. Izma opened the door when the familiar scent of Noor hit her. It was fading. But it was still there. As a reminder. As a memory.

Noor's things were neatly placed where they belonged. But to whom they belonged wasn't here. Izma took uneven steps inside and looked around. Each and every memory related to Noor hit her hard making her throat constrict. She came close to the side wall where a smiling drawing was hung.

She could tell who was there in the drawing. Asim, Noor, Maheen and Izma herself. To the side "My family" was written in a shaky handwriting. It was the doing of Maheen. Izma remembered the day Maheen drew it and showed it to Noor who had hung it in her room to show Maheen how much she had liked it.

The drawing was there.

But the family wasn't.

Everything this picture boast off, was lost and was never going to be the same.

The tears that had dried starting making their way down Izma's cheeks once again. She sobbed clutching the picture close to her heart.

She had to be strong. But she wasn't. Her heart ached for her sister but where was Noor?

Would she ever know?

The clouds of uncertainty started looming over her. She wiped her tears harshly and ran out of there. She wanted to breathe but she couldn't. Inhaling deeply she stopped by the phone and the next moment pressed the number she remembered.


Saboohi picked up the phone with a frown. It was almost four in the morning and she had no clue who it could be at this hour.

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