Chapter 36 [Last]

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It is said that no matter what kind of time it is, it just passes. Bad, good, happy, sad. But when life gets the first drop of rain, first arrival of petrichor after a long season of heat of hate, it stays. The rain of love. The everlasting cloud. Stays forever. Not fading. Not moving.

The same cloud of wholeness was surrounding the small world of Rayyan and Noor. Life was moving on. But now it was moving giving them memories to live for a lifetime. It wasn't a bed of roses. But whatever it was, would be spent together. Hand in hand and that wasn't less than any rose out there.

Seeing them no one could say how these two people have met. How clashing their personalities once were. How they were praying to never bump into each other again. But destiny happened. And when it happens, it has its own rules. Its own game.

The life story was simple. But held so much which couldn't still be explained. But all that was now closed in a box. From where it won't ever come out. If it did, only to cherish how far they'd come.

It was unreal still it was the reality of their lives. Two people. Twisted fates. Collided with each other and then there was no going back from there.

The rain fell. And it fail hard. Drenching everything. Soaking the heart which was made of stone. Melting the steel resolutions.

Time and its strange ways. Looking back at the past, Noor could never stop herself from wondering how this came to be a possibility. Her, Rayyan and everything in between. From that rainy farewell that particular evening all those months back, to being each other's home. They had done it. Together. With all heart and soul.

Their relationship had formed into something everyone around them called goals. But for them it was just being who they were. Each other's. Everything.

Her venture was coming out to be a life changer. She hadn't thought she could be this useful on professional front but the day she joined the project offered to her, she knew this was it. They were reaching out to the people in need of their help. Those women who were subjected to the fate they had no say in. It wasn't easy but it was coming out to be fruitful. Rayyan wasn't much for talking but he never missed an opportunity to tell her how proud of her he was.

The family was as close they had never been before. Rayyan and Hammad were not the ideal father and son pair but they were way better than before. Mending his relationship with Hammad had made Rayyan soft towards Saliha as well. When the blindfold of hatred was taken off, he could see what a strong and full of love woman Saliha was. Always there for everyone around her. Loving. Giving. Forgiving.

Hammad still had the baggage of the past. May be because he could do nothing about it. What's gone was gone. It was never coming back. But seeing Rayyan coming around was what made him genuinely happy. He knew he didn't deserve this. But Rayyan deserved this. The love of his family. The feel of being accepted and loved. And for that Hammad was always there. He couldn't make up for those time when he couldn't reach out but now he wasn't leaving his family.

Abeer, Rohail and Rayyan had fallen into the sibling bond like nothing had ever happened. And over the time they were getting stronger. They understood each other. They knew where to give the other person space. And they were always up for pulling each other's leg. It was all normal. Yet special.

Noor and Rayyan's own relationship had now seen and lived every initial base. And each day made them fall for each other some more. There were few bumpy rides too. Few things where they wouldn't agree on things. But they knew how to show the other the side of the story not yet seen. They knew how to have fun in their own way. Lighting up each other's damp mood. Their love hadn't been the kind of sensing each other's presence in the crowd but they knew they'd always find each other in crowd if they they ever got lost.

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