Chapter 35

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No matter how many trials life has set out for you, there comes a point where it all fades into the background. What remains is you, your happiness and the people you hold close to yourself. It's life way of ensuring everyone gets their due.

It was time for the Khan family to have this very due in their lives. The following days after the verdict were nothing short of a breath of fresh air. Regina Lee was back in the hell she belonged to. Further investigations had proved how lethal she was and how long she'd been playing with precious innocent lives. She wasn't coming back. Not after what she'd gotten herself into. An other case had been opened against her by the state and there was no way out of it.

Sarmad was an other story. The man had finally come to terms that he wasn't going to run away because what he'd done wasn't something so easy to let slide. He had killed off a man and many others. He was Regina's henchman for as long as she was in power and that was not going help his case anymore than putting him behind the bars. But he wasn't regretting coming back from hiding. Surprisingly he had taken it all with a smug face as if doing a favour to people around him. He was not easy to understand and no one was interested in understanding him anyway.

The story of defamation for Khalil Agha was something people would remember for a long time. He had literally dug a hole for himself and in his attempts of making others fall in it, he had fallen so deep that coming back was not even an option anymore. He was bankrupt and the case had done some serious damage to his reputation as well. He had gone away from the public scene and Rayyan made sure he never came back. Asad was an other story. His career was ruined and rightly so. And one day he got lost in the mass of people never to be found again. Who was going to find him anyway.

That's how life works. The people who think it easy to destroy someone's life are usually on the verge of losing their own sanity as well. This life wasn't easy. Reaching this far for both Noor and Rayyan wasn't easy. They had had a lot of obstacles to face. But it was finally over. Done. Dusted. Gone.

It was calm and peace and every piece was finally in its place. The past was now in the corner of their minds and hearts which they'd open only to see what they'd learnt not what they'd gone through.

This life journey wasn't easy but It was worth it.

They were worth it.

Noor pushed her long hair back while stirring the gravy. A smile which had always been a part of her personality, sometimes gone sometimes evident, was playing on her lips. Putting the now ready dinner on the counter, she made her way towards her room. It was a typical Saturday. And the ever workaholic had an important new deal to work on. He had insisted her to not wait for him but she was his wife only. Never one to listen. She not only waited for him but made the dinner as well. He'd definitely give her a narrowed eyed stare but would eventually give in. Who, in their right mind would refuse her food? Not him exactly. He loved everything made by her and she loved cooking for him. They had this settled.

They had reached a point in their life where the compatibility and trust was unbreakable. Usually people would reach this level after spending quite few years together. But they were not usual. They were Rayyan and Noor and their story wasn't an easy and usual one.

Things were going with the flow. It was coming easy and familiar. The Khans were now an integral part of their life. The support those bunch of people had shown during the hard time could never be forgotten. Saliha, Hammad, Rohail, Abeer, Nani. They all were Rayyan and Noor's people. A family Rayyan had finally acknowledged and Noor had always been fascinated to call hers. Not only them but friends in the form of Zirwa, Zarnab and Haseeb had also proved to be a needed support. Izma and Saboohi Khala were always the mother figures Noor had looked up to. Maheen was a family favourite and only kid. She had took no time in forming an admirable bond with all the elders around her. From Hammad to Haseeb, everyone loved that doll.

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