Chapter 15

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The world he abhorred all his life. The feeling he hated with a vengeance. The love which gave his mother nothing but heartbreak. The love which left her torn into pieces. The love which weakened her so much that she couldn't fight back the miseries life had put in her way.

The same love.

Was he too on the threshold of losing himself to this emotion? Was he to going to become a victim of this poison they call love?


He couldn't. Love wasn't for him. He could never love anyone.

But then what was about this madness, this helplessness, this desperation?

His mind was a complete mess and his haywire thoughts were not giving him any peace either. And under all this stress when a slumber engulfed him he had no clue.


He was sitting on the bench in that beautiful garden surrounded by flowers he had never seen before. The grass beneath his bare feet was like soft fluffy carpet covering the vast areas that kept stretching across. There was a lake close by. The water of which was so clear that the reflection of trees above was like a painting on it. But he was aloof to all the marvels of nature he was surrounded by. Deep in his thoughts. The moon was shining bright the light of which was reflecting from his ocean blue eyes.

There was something inside him which was causing him fear. The feeling of getting into something he never wanted. He had no recollection of what that was. Why he was worried. Just the dread which was seeping through his every bone making him flinch with worry. He raked a hand through his messed up ebony hair and rested his head on the back of the wooden bench closing his eyes. But that's when he felt it. The feeling of relief. As if he was getting away from every thought of discomfort. Someone was caressing his hair and he recognized the touch immediately. The touch of someone he loved dearly. The touch he had never felt consciously but it felt like coming home. As if he was used to it. As if it was not foreign. Opening his eyes he found a familiar angelic face in front of him. A face so known. Yet so unknown. Giving him the warmest of smiles. She drew out a bright red flower from her side and looked at it as if it was the most delicate thing in this whole world. Her blue eyes were shining with warmth.

His mother.

She cupped his face looking deep into his eyes and there at that moment he felt like she could see through his soul. His hand shot out to hold hers. He needed to feel it was her. He needed to know it was not just an other of his dreams. A tear rolled down his cheeks finding her hand clasping his. She was real. She was there. She smiled placing the flower in his hand and enclosed it in his palm. Looking at him she whispered slowly.

"Don't let this flower lose its color. This is just for you. Made for you to love, cherish and adore."

Her hand left his and she got up . He tried holding her but she was gone already. He knew his protests wouldn't work. She would leave him.

It had always been like this and it would always be the same. He kept on looking at her retreating back and then glanced at the flower still in his hand.

The flower which reminded him of just one face.

And he didn't have to say whose face it was. Those hazel eyes staring at him were not one to forget. His thumb caress the soft petals when the flower lost all its color and in few seconds it was burning in fire.

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