Chapter 4

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She entered her new house with a bright smile adoring her face. New city, new people, new relation, new everything. She couldn't wait to explore the place but first she just wanted to talk to her sister.

"Sarmad, I'm going to make a call. Gotta tell Aapa that we've reached."

Sarmad shook his head and held her from her shoulders.

"Easy Madam! Let's get some rest and then I'm going to take you somewhere."


"That's a surprise."

He said with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. She nodded still wondering if he was taking her on a date.

If only she knew better.


Noor closed the car door behind and looked at the building in front of her. It was a grand residence in a posh area. She didn't know why Sarmad had taken her here. She glanced sideways and found him smiling at her.


Nodding nervously she followed him to the door. She didn't know why her heat had started beating rapidly as if something was going to happen.

A servant lead them to a lavish living room where a short man was talking on the phone. He stopped once his eyes found Sarmad and immediately came to him.

"Sarmad! Finally you are here. Madam is waiting for you."

The man's eyes darted towards Noor who was looking at him confusedly clutching the sides of her shirt. A devilish smirk appeared on his face which didn't go unnoticed by her. Her instincts had started telling her something was fishy. She shouldn't be here.

"Where is she?"

"Oh Madam! She is at the bar."

Bar? Noor's eyes popped out listening to it. Sarmad didn't even acknowledge her hesitation and dragged her upstairs. He knocked at the door and entered inside after hearing a faint grunt.

The room was lit dimly and she could see a woman probably in her early thirties sitting on the stool taking sips of her drink. Noor scrunched her nose as the smell of alcohol hit her nostrils.

The lady turned towards them. Noor was shocked too see a cigarette in her hand too. She was clad in a tight jeans and skinny shirt which was unable to hide anything she possessed. Noor averted her gaze from the woman in pure disgust. What kind of place was this where Sarmad had taken her?

"Sarmad My boy! Come!"

She placed the cigarette in the ash tray and eyed Noor from top to bottom.

"She is the girl?"

Sarmad smiled as if presenting something proudly to her. Noor's heart was sinking. Sarmad's usual smile had a hint of menace to it.

"What's her name?"


"Sounds too innocent no? Gotta change into something more appealing."

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