Chapter 24

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The cold night was still. As still as it could be. So were the occupants of the room of the guest house. The air around them was tensed with an eerie feeling of heartache and uncertainty. Noor took a step back, bewildered. Her eyes were wide at the unexpected turn of events.

"No! This just can't happen?"

Rayyan took a step forward but instantly regretted it seeing the disbelief on her face.


His lips mumbled in a pained whisper.

"Why? the idea of us is just so far fetched! We have absolutely nothing in common and I....I...."

She stumbled at her own words. Rayyan was looking at her intently urging her to continue but she couldn't.

"Mr Khan, I can't....I just.. please..No.."

She clutched the sides of her shirt in her fists and before he could do anything, sprinted out of the room. He wanted to follow but her words had left him too wounded to go and run after her.

This was what he was dreading. This was what he so not wanted to happen.

Still somewhere in his heart he knew this would happen anyway. He was just having a wishful thinking. That may be he wasn't going to lose his everything.

Hadn't he always?

Always at the receiving end of bad things.

But this hurt the most. He was as selfless in this love as he could be. And this came naturally to him. It would always be her. His first priority. But he was helpless here. He needed to be around her. As her own. Someone. Anyone.

But the shock on her face on hearing his proposal had shook him from within. Was the idea of them together was as alien to her? Did she never feel anything for him on those lines? The idea of her not having any kind of feelings for him was piercing his heart.

It hurt. It hurt so bad.

Was Karma playing a sick game with him? All those years he'd been the real asshole and now fate was returning the favour. If this was the case than may be it was all his fault.

It had always been his fault.

Clutching his hair in his hands, in utter devastation he took a deep breath to calm himself down. May be he needed to just be alone. He won't run after her.

Or may be he was preparing himself for the loneliness that would accompany him from now on.


She had no clue how she'd gotten home. The voices of Izma and Maheen in the kitchen did nothing to stop her. Nothing was able to stop the buzzing in her ears.

Getting to her room she bolted the door and leaned against it clutching her heart.

A chance.




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