Chapter 23

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Every once in a while we all go through the feelings of desperately reaching out to the past and change something. Anything. Not for us but for the people who mean the world to us.

This was that moment for Rayyan Ahmed Khan.

Wrapping his arms around the woman his world was around, he breathed a deep sigh. With immense anger, a sudden protectiveness was pouring out of his whole being. Anger on the people, the society, the circumstances which put her through so much. More than she ever deserved. More than she would ever deserve. And the urge to hide her close to him. Where no harm could even come close to her. He wanted to do so much. But there was nothing to do. So he did the only thing which could calm both him and her.

Hugging her closer to him. Her sobs had subsided and now she was breathing calmly. Her hold on him was still intact.

Just like the hold she had over his heart.

But like everything this moment was also ephemeral. It ended before even getting somewhere. Before drawing any meaning. The voices from the downstairs broke the silence and the cocoon they had formed around.

Noor left him with a start. Her face was a mixture of shock and apology. And that killed him right there. She was ashamed of opening up to him. As if she'd burdened him.

If only she knew.

"I...I'm sorry. ..I ...shouldn't...."

She mumbled and slipped out of the door.

It was over. The moment was not there anymore and he didn't like it this way.

But more than that he hoped after this she won't start shutting him out. Because he wasn't sure if he would be able to bear that.


Even before getting inside the covers, Noor knew that sleep won't come easy to her that night. There was so much on her mind. So much was happening. And she had no room to escape the questions and get some sleep.

Rayyan Ahmed Khan had always been a confusion to her. Back when she was in his house he was nothing less than an enigma and now even here he was a question mark she couldn't decide the answer to.

His changed persona had pulled her towards him. Intrigued her. And it didn't take her long to realize that this change persona was the real him. The person she had met months back was the facade.

He had started drawing her to him and she hadn't even realized. She'd found someone in him who could listen. Not that people in her life didn't want to listen to her.

But she just wanted to tell it to him. May be because he'd seen her in those two weeks of hell in her life. He was the only person here who was with her in those times no matter how rude or arrogant he was back then.

That formed a connection between them. And tonight she just plunged into telling him things she had never told anyone. He wasn't here to know her life story. This was wrong on her part. She had just burdened him unnecessarily. Her problems were her problems. Had he started off with the story of what happened in his life when she left? No. Then why she was acting like this.

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