Chapter 31

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One second.

The tiny part of the time. Overlooked. Neglected. Not so important.

But this one second had proved to Rayyan Ahmed Khan how significant it was. One second it took for him to lose almost every semblance of sanity.

One second for the fear of losing his everything to engulf him.

One second for him to go numb. Clueless.

One second of Rayyan's life which had shaken him to the core of his being.

His heart had been thrown open and then put back together. With all pieces or not. No one knew. The way he made a mad dash towards the location Noor had told him she was at. His closed mind not responding to anything that was happening around him. Just one name on the tip of his tongue.


She was out there enduring he knew what. And he couldn't reach out immediately. This feeling was worse. This feeling was tearing him from within. This feeling was cutting him deep and he could do nothing about it.

He had no clue when he got inside his car, when it stopped at the site, who was with him. Whom he had called. If had called anyone in the first place, when he reached the said location.

The police sirens around were sounding like a distant buzzing. He was immune to everything because his insides were enough to kill him several times in a second. His glassy eyes were looking around. Searching. He knew what he was going to witness. Still his mind was praying for a smiling all fine Noor to run towards him and hug him. The way she'd do. The way he wanted her to do.

But this was not happening. Not after what he'd heard and what he was seeing.

He had found her at last. Laying on the road. Paramedics hovering over her. Her bloody clothes. Her closed lids.

Her shallow breathing.

It was his destruction. Utter. Complete. Nothing leaving behind. This was the point where he'd be lost to never come back again.

He had straight pulled her in his arms. The people around him were trying to pry him off. But someone had stopped them. May be Haseeb. Rayyan hadn't looked around to know. His hands were shivering as if they'd been through the coldest place in the world. They had. This was the coldest. Nothing warm about it. Nothing to hold onto. Just getting lost in something which had no start and no end.


He had mumbled. It was request. It was plead. It was urgent. For he wanted to know she was here. With him. It was hesitant. Because he didn't know if she was with him.

The gash on her arm was covered with something. To stop the bleeding. Her state was miserable.

Before he could do something. Anything. She was pulled away to be taken to the hospital.


Haseeb was by his side but Rayyan head nothing.

"She needs to be taken to the hospital. Let's go."

Haseeb pulled his arm and he let him.

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