Chapter 34

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Umar glanced at the documents placed in front of him and then at the couple sitting close. Izma was standing to the side looking at all of them with anticipation written on her face.

It had come like a shocker. Knowing that Noor had married the man she had once left behind. But that was not the point to ponder yet. The thing for which he was here, was the case that was going to have its first hearing in the court soon. He was here to help the family once again. That time he hadn't let both the sister down. And this time as well he wouldn't do that.

The last meeting with Rayyan wasn't the most pleasant one. Both were frustrated with each other. Rayyan was trying to get the answers and Umar was adamant on not giving him those.

But the Rayyan he had met tonight was different. Not that he'd changed into a warmest bunny. No. But there was a softness to him which was never there before and Umar could tell this was all the doing of the woman sitting next to Rayyan.

"This looks messed up."

Umar had commented pointing towards the file he'd just closed.

"It is. No denying."

Rayyan mumbled looking defeated. A look which was never associated with him.

"Our lawyer isn't that hopeful to be honest. He was waiting for the commissioner's response but that didn't come out the way it should've."

"Bloody coward, the commissioner."

They all could agree. Umar stood up and looked around.

"Let's go through the situation once again. We might get something out of it."

They all agreed.

"So right now you guys have got all the documents which prove that Noor was married to Sarmad and was actually traded in fact."

Rayyan took a sharp intake of breath but nodded nonetheless.

"The witness you were hoping for was the commissioner but he bailed out. So this leaves us with just Rayyan and me. We both being associated with situation one way or the other. While, Agha will try to talk Regina into it."

"But shouldn't Regina refuse? Everything is against her."

Noor had asked hopefully. Both Rayyan and Umar looked at her.

"These people are quite pro at twisting the facts and I'm sure they already have contacted Regina. Agha must be bankrupt right now but he still has contacts. He must've persuaded Regina by now."

"And if the woman knows that there is even a little bit of chance of her being released, she'll be along."

Rayyan's tone had a bitterness to it. He had worked with the woman and he knew her that much.

"But even with all this, the case is still in your hands, in my opinion. Yeah, the commissioner would've proved to be a vital point in winning it but still all isn't lost. The evidences are strong. The witnesses are ready. We just have to work a bit on finding few loopholes which must be there."

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