Chapter 21

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"So you want to assign the contract to the building agency Mr Malik owns?"


Haseeb ran a hand through his hair while holding the phone in other. Rayyan was never an easy boss to handle but these days he was on the verge of topping unpredictability list. Malik building and construction agency was a renowned one. Malik wasn't a big fan of RAK but the business acquaintance was there and Rayyan wanted to use that. He had called Haseeb to make it clear what was on his mind.

"Do you realize you snatched an important deal from him the last time?"

Rayyan, who was rummaging through his files, chuckled at this. He left the pile on his table and stood up with his phone between his shoulder and ear while he set the curtains to let the fresh air come into the room. The signals were good. Thank God.

"If you think Malik will hold this against me then you are wrong. He's an intelligent man. This project is what his company needs at the moment. So contact him and let me know what he thinks about my offer. I want a reliable company to build the school with the best material. It's children here we are talking about."

The concern in his voice soothed Haseeb's scowl immediately. He might be unpredictable but he was doing it for the bigger good and that was what mattered the most.

"I'll report to you what Malik's answer to this proposition is."


The call ended making a light sound. Haseeb could say he was one of the very few people who knew Rayyan Ahmed Khan well. But that man's middle name should've been unpredictable because lately, he was proving everything believed about him wrong.

He was in love for the starters.

And he was wooing his lady love.

But Haseeb could tell the interest in this project wasn't something stemmed from Rayyan's love for Noor. Sure it had a role in there but the concern and interest was genuine. Rayyan really wanted to do something for the village and its kids. And that was pleasantly unpredictable. The man was outshining himself and Haseeb couldn't be prouder and happier for his best friend cum boss.

He was picking up the files which needed his attention when there was a hesitant knock at his cabin door. Looking up he found a smiling Abeer standing there.

"Asslam Alaikum."

The file was back at its original place the next moment.

"Wa Alaikum Asslam. Come, have a seat."

She sat down looking around. It was the first time she was visiting his cabin in this frequently visited office of her elder brother. Her eyes finally settled on Haseeb.

"You must be quite busy these days. With Bhai not around and all."

"I'm used to work my ass off on your brother's command so that's nothing new."

"Are you implying that my brother does nothing?"

She narrowed her eyes at him making him chuckle.

"It came out that way? Well that's what I meant anyway."

Abeer shook her head but a smile was forming on her lips.

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